Senator Bernie Sanders is a man with more integrity than all the GOP candidates put together! He has no skeletons in the closet.
This is his Facebook page where you can read many of his thoughts. https://www.facebook.com/senatorsanders
I have had the pleasure of voting for Bernie every time he has run for the House and Senate. I have seen him as Mayor of Burlington Vermont as well. Bernie has never changed from the caring person he is. I have personally benefited from his assistance in getting my VA disability. He cares about our veterans unlike the republicans who use them and do not want to help those who are returned broken.
Bernie has always said he is a “socialist” with a small “s”, which means he cares about all Americans. He wants everyone to have equal rights, equal chance to succeed, and equal pay for equal work. So many times I see where he is called a “communist” but he believes in democracy with a twist of socialism.
Bernie is not beholden to corporations or rich folks. He is running a grassroots campaign.
Why would anyone with any common sense vote for a republican over Bernie?
I never gave to a politician before, but I sent $100 to him last Saturday. That is the kind of donation he wants. That and your vote! I have never been this excited about an election before.
I honestly believe President Obama has done as good a job as Congress would allow him to. I also believe that Bernie would have a better time getting things done because the GOP sees him as a white man. The GOP as we all know can’t stand having a black President. Not all republicans think that way, but a bunch of them do. Some republicans I know are fans of Bernie because of his integrity and honesty. He will get some votes from moderate republicans and many independents will also vote for Bernie as a Democrat.
What is your opinion? Do you think a “grassroots” campaign will be able to overcome the billionaires money?
Here are the 18 CEO’s Sanders labeled job destroyers in his report. (All data from Top Corporate Dodgers report.)
1). 1. Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $1.9 billion tax refund.
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department? Over $1.3 trillion.
Amount of federal income taxes Bank of America would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $2.6 billion.
2). Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2008? Zero. $278 million tax refund.
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department? $824 billion.
Amount of federal income taxes Goldman Sachs would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $2.7 billion
3). JP Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department? $416 billion.
Amount of federal income taxes JP Morgan Chase would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $4.9 billion.
4). General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $3.3 billion tax refund.
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve? $16 billion.
Jobs Shipped Overseas? At least 25,000 since 2001.
5). Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $705 million tax refund.
American Jobs Cut in 2010? In 2010, Verizon announced 13,000 job cuts, the third highest corporate layoff total that year.
6). Boeing CEO James McNerney, Jr.
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? None. $124 million tax refund.
American Jobs Shipped overseas? Over 57,000.
Amount of Corporate Welfare? At least $58 billion.
7). Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer
Amount of federal income taxes Microsoft would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $19.4 billion.
8). Honeywell International CEO David Cote
Amount of federal income taxes paid from 2008-2010? Zero. $34 million tax refund.
9). Corning CEO Wendell Weeks
Amount of federal income taxes paid from 2008-2010? Zero. $4 million tax refund.
10). Time Warner CEO Glenn Britt
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2008? Zero. $74 million tax refund.
11). Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2009? Zero. $55 million tax refund.
12). Deere & Company CEO Samuel Allen
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2009? Zero. $1 million tax refund.
13). Marsh & McLennan Companies CEO Brian Duperreault
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $90 million refund.
14). Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs
Amount of federal income taxes Qualcomm would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $4.7 billion.
15). Tenneco CEO Gregg Sherill
Amount of federal income taxes Tenneco would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $269 million.
16). Express Scripts CEO George Paz
Amount of federal income taxes Express Scripts would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $20 million.
17). Caesars Entertainment CEO Gary Loveman
Amount of federal income taxes Caesars Entertainment would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $9 million.
18). R.R. Donnelly & Sons CEO Thomas Quinlan III
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2008? Zero. $49 million tax refund.
Eighteen of the 80 CEOs who signed the call for deficit action are actually some of the biggest outsourcers and tax cheats in America. First, they crashed the economy in 2008. They followed that up by taking billions in taxpayer bailout dollars. Their next step was to outsource jobs and evade taxes. Now they are calling for action on a deficit that they helped create over the past four years.
Bernie Sanders is exposing the hypocrisy of these CEOs, and every American should understand that if Mitt Romney is elected president, these pigs see potential for unlimited feeding from the taxpayer trough. Only by standing together can we tell these CEOs that the bill has come due, and it is time for them to pay.
We can tell these gluttons of our dollars that the all you can eat taxpayer buffet is now closed.
Another reason to vote for Bernie!
There really is no shame. The Wall Street leaders whose recklessness and illegal behavior caused this terrible recession are now lecturing the American people on the need for courage to deal with the nation’s finances and deficit crisis. Before telling us why we should cut Social Security, Medicare and other vitally important programs, these CEOs might want to take a hard look at their responsibility for causing the deficit and this terrible recession.
Our Wall Street friends might also want to show some courage of their own by suggesting that the wealthiest people in this country, like them, start paying their fair share of taxes. They might work to end the outrageous corporate loopholes, tax havens and outsourcing provisions that their lobbyists have littered throughout the tax code – contributing greatly to our deficit.
Many of the CEO’s who signed the deficit-reduction letter run corporations that evaded at least $34.5 billion in taxes by setting up more than 600 subsidiaries in the Cayman Islands and other offshore tax havens since 2008. As a result, at least a dozen of the companies avoided paying any federal income taxes in recent years, and even received more than $6.4 billion in tax refunds from the IRS since 2008.
Several of the companies received a total taxpayer bailout of more than $2.5 trillion from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department.
Many of the companies also have outsourced hundreds of thousands of American jobs to China and other low wage countries, forcing their workers to receive unemployment insurance and other federal benefits. In other words, these are some of the same people who have significantly caused the deficit to explode over the last four years.
Nirek, thanks so much for posting this. I am planning to support Bernie on the ground, and have already supported him financially. He’s a good man, with a deep concern for his neighbors and friends, seemingly including every American in that circle.
Here’s my thinking:
I’m going to support Bernie 100% up until the Washington primary. I’m going to do this over the phones, social media, and financially. Our caucus isn’t until March 26th, so the race may be over by then, but I hope not! If Bernie wins, on to the general election! If he doesn’t, then I plan to support Hillary or other nominee 100% through the general. Federal elections are about comparative voting once the general election hits.
I feel good about this strategy. It worked when I supported Jesse Jackson against Bill Clinton in 1992, and really worked well with Barack Obama.
Could not agree more with everything he lists on his platform!
Funk, that reflects my plan. I am all about Bernie! If he is not the nominated, I will vote for the one Democrat. The GOP has not got a single person I can vote for.
I would definitely vote for Bernie Sanders for POTUS. I would also vote for Hillary Clinton if she were the nominee. Two excellent candidates.
The only candidates the GOP has to offer are morons, rubes and criminals.
JJ, we seem to be in agreementt.
I remember a song from the ’60’s, “WISHING AND HOPING” that is Bernie Sanders. Love the guy’s honesty and his willingness to battle all for his vision of America, but his chances in 2016 are nil and if we are honest with ourselves we’ll admit that. Progressives have one goal for ’16 and that is to not allow the White House to fall into the hands of the enemy of all the workers of America. Can any imagine if the idiots of the ‘invasion of Texas’ crowd were in power!!!!
Gyp46, I disagree that he has no chance. Even though I disagree, we can still agree that his candidacy will bring good issues to light. If his “grassroots” campaign works and enough moderat republicans and independents and Dems vote for him he can win. Most of us supporting him will vote for the D that gets the nomination rather than any R!
Compition is good for the party. Hillary will be moved a little to the left which is also good, in my opinion.
Competition is great, and I want Sanders to push his ideas, yet being a realist he cannot win a majority of the American voters, the time has come for a woman to win, and that is Hillary, whether we totally agree or not, the alternative is to hideous to contemplate. Personally I like Jim Webb also, but again he has no chance, we must also concentrate on the senate, it is in our power as progressives to achieve both the White House and the senate.
I have followed Bernie for quite a while. I admire the man. I sent him $50 when he announced he was running for president. I also sent him $50 for his last election and I live in NY. I will be pleasantly surprised if he beats Hillary. The country is too polarized now and I don’t think he could beat Jeb because the Repubs will paint him as a wild eyed Socialist( read Communist as you said). The Repubs use the word socialist like it’s a dirty word. I will vote for Bernie in the primary and the general election if he makes it that far but I don’t think he will. I am glad he is running if only to make Hillary veer left. I never supported Hillary in 2008 because she was too gung-ho to invade Iraq so she wouldn’t be labeled “soft on terror”. She was arrogant in 2008 and thought the nomination was hers for the asking. I don’t think she will make that mistake again.
I hope I’m wrong and you are right Nirek but I think I will be voting for Hillary because I always vote and she will be somewhat better that any of the idgits the GOP drags up.
Filo, if the media doesn’t ignore Bernie, I think he can win. Running as a Democrat is brilliant on his part. He will be included in the debates and nobody can dispute the truth when he speaks.
Maybe he will not win, but I’m trying my best to promote Bernie for President. Just because he is a far better choice than any pther we have.
Thanks for the response, Filo.