For decades at a minimum, the core dogma of the GOP has been fascism, insisting that only Republicans are entitled to hold power and any elections that result in Democrats winning and people of color being empowered, are by definition, illegitimate or fraudulent.
If we invoke the 25th. Amendment, Mike Pence instantly becomes President. If someone employs the more Shakespearean solution - same result. With Trump, it all came down to "competence." He had none. But, Mike Pence does. He is a thousand times more dangerous than Trump. He wants a one-party theocracy.
Do these GOP leaders really think that the angry, bigoted white Republicans who are so enthusiastic about Trump for voicing all of that for them, will suddenly just start obeying the smug, elitist candidate they opposed in 2012 for being the establishment tool he was?
So, here we are coming to the end of a pretty unbelievable year. A reality show host is on the verge of becoming a major party's nominee for President, racist police forces from the 1950's keep coming through wormholes...
"Me am Bizarro Romney and me very disappointed at support you have shown me. Me have been in the media a lot lately for one reason, me have nothing to say that matters."
Out of the total of 36% of eligible voters who voted in this year's election, even if Republicans averaged a 10% margin of victory over Dems overall (55% to 45%), that means only 19% of American voters voted for Republicans. So Democrats should be running scared because 81% of U.S. voters didn't vote for Republicans?
I spend a lot of time at whack-a-troll at but one does get a little weary of all the Barack Obama every now and then I like to remind myself (and others) of why I continue to support him.
We are “responsible for the greatest trust ever confided to a political society.” (Patrick Henry) But as polling demonstrates the American Public has shirked its responsibility in failing to be the informed electorate that John Adams believed was the foundation of any democracy.
Darrell Issa protested GOP control of the House, "This is unAmerican and anti-democratic, I should not be in charge of this oversight committee and I will use all the power I have as chairman to prove that I shouldn't be in charge!"
They literally wrap themselves in flags (at least flag pins) but if you were to make a checklist of all of America's founding and ongoing principles, as a democracy and society, you'd find a substantial Republican checklist of things they despise.



As a great way to share this experience, PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat (live typed comments) tonight to discuss the night's results as they come in along with everything else this election will bring and what folks think it will mean for the future.

We Need to Stop Playing Trump’s Game

It is long past time to stop playing Trump’s game of racism, hate, misogyny, and abject greed. If Trump is elected, he will end democracy as we know it. Harris will preserve it and work to make it better and far more inclusive so we can have it, as Lincoln said, a more perfect union. It will only happen if you vote.