Many of us have been waiting through a neverending and torturous four years for this day to finally come and as impossible as it may have seemed along the way, it's finally presidential Election Day! Of course, there are...
"You'll be on your way down! things will change so pell mell! And before you will know it you'll be trapped down in Hell."
Biden and Harris should keep their thoughts on this sequestered. His advisers, Democratic Leadership, well-regarded jurists, historians, and experts on the U.S. Constitution will need to study the issue. Biden has addressed the matter previously saying that that the idea of balancing a seriously imbalanced court by adding seats is a dangerous precedent.
oe and Mika are promoting Joe Biden’s campaign promise to support the ACA/Obamacare, rather than scrapping it and starting over. Comparatively, they support Biden’s claim, which is also echoed by Republicans, that Medicare-For-All or a universal single payer health insurance system would take away choices Americans now have for their healthcare. That is Joe’s and Mika’s opinions, but it is not factual.
There will be a lot going on in tonight's Democratic Debate and there's no better way to share your reactions in real time than with your fellow Planeteers in our simultaneous Live Chat right here! It all begins at 5:00pm PDT!
On August 8, in the wake of two mass shootings, a young white male in his twenties, showed up at a Walmart Superstore in Springfield Mo. dressed in body armor and military fatigues, carrying a rifle and handgun along...
Trump's supporters no doubt actually believed his surface con about making the economy better for them. After all, Trump loves the poorly educated and they apparently love him. But we all know his real con is to Make America White Again.
There is one person who could gum up the works of Trump's dictatorship-in-process. And he's not even in elected office. Yet. Joe Biden has said that this election is a battle for the very soul of America. So right now would be a good time for Biden to really flex on this, step up and fire a loud warning shot across the bow of Trump's henchmen. The Rule of Law is coming back in 2021...and it could be coming for them.
Before you brush this topic off as irrelevant, you might want to consider how often it comes back into political discussions along with the lie that it was a war resolution rather than a peace resolution.
With 20 Plus individuals seeking to be Commander in Chief, it is worthwhile to consider what makes one person superior to another in seeking the nomination. Scholars have assembled a number of lists. Here is an essay that gathers a number of them together.