Just off of proving themselves to be unreliable and misguided fear peddlers who got just about every prediction about the election wrong, the media dashes ahead today with a new set of false memes, brimming with the same unjustified confidence.
keeping in mind that today is the MSM's bachelor party for propaganda, their last chance to go wild and have irresponsible intercourse with the public, it may be a good day to stay away from these crazed and desperate channels and spend the day with a good book...or ballot info.
As this democratic version of national waterboarding comes to a close, it's a good time to reflect on the many moments we've shared together as Americans. Especially all of the mistakes of the candidates, the pundocracy and the Mainstream Media in general.
And what is the end result of this corrupt, survival of the wealthiest and their lackeys system we now see supplanting our government? Doing to the planet Earth what they did to the economy in 2008.
While the Mega-Rich Businesses are being "outed" for election tactics that intimidate, some small businesses are doing the same thing - though not necessarily for the same reasons.
Thinking the unthinkable. As horrible as it is to think of this, the wise are doing just that.
Join us for a live chat tonight during the first debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney. The pre-show chat here begins at 5:30 pm PST and the debate begins at 6:00 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
In a bold move Fed Chair Bernanke anounced an aggressive round of quantitative easing people are calling QE3. First this is a stimulus and with a GOPTEA House the only stimulus and the way it's structured it could be a substantial...
The choice of Paul Ryan is a clear and unambiguous statement that the Romney campaign knows they are losing in a big way and needed to make a Hail Mormon pass to have even a miniscule chance of winning.
Many Americans mistakenly connect being wealthy with being smart but George W. Bush and now Mitt Romney have proven that conventional thinking to be as dead as the dodo...which coincidentally has become the new mascot of the GOP.