This week, Huffington Post betrayed their membership and their tentative promise to respect the anonymity of their current members by now requiring ALL members to provide verification of their personal identity if they want to post at the site.
In Virginia's race for Governor, the Democrat won and the Republican of course the MSM sensibly adopts the loser's unsubstantiated tantrum that since he didn't lose by more, the loser is actually the winner? Welcome to corporate media 101.
To celebrate this festive holiday of people trying to scare others into giving them something sweet that they have, we can't help but dedicate this holiday to our favorite blood suckers and zombies, the GOP.
Governing based on hatred and spite is not sustainable in a democracy...especially when that hatred is aimed at the majority of voters.
Cruz and the GOP are now offering their services to serial killers and terrorists under their new venture, "Core Republicans Ensuring Equality for People and Society" (CREEPS).
Just as Republicans insisted that the 2012 polls were all wrong and Mitt Romney would win by a landslide, Republicans today are blindly and overwhelmingly confident that the Democrats and Obama will bend to their will and the country will see them as heroes...and they'll be just as right as they were on Romney.
The GOP should have loved it. It was their plan. So....why did the ACA become a horrible, socialist government takeover of healthcare for them? Six words..."Black Democratic President Obama Supported It".
As the wealthy pursue the acquisition of the nation and world, we are busy waiting in line to buy the coolest new versions of phones we already have.
Boehner may be counting on the pressure from the public and the business community to push his party back from the edge but he is now standing with the extremists in his party like a battered wife.
thinking Republicans are under the same kind of "tyranny of the minority" as Democrats are in the Senate by Republicans. That small but big-enough contingent of Tea Partiers in The House are in a position to block any bill including the CR that will keep government working.