Elizabeth Warren is everything Hillary needed to be but couldn't be to win this election. She is authentic, inspirational, a woman of the people, sympathetic, has an enthusiastic following in the Dem base and is a powerful and energizing speaker. She is a fighter for the regular American worker who feels left behind or neglected by their government/society, the very voters Trump used to win election because they felt they had nowhere else to go.
Like a heroin addict desperately shooting up whatever he can find to get high again, the MSM has mainlined the story of Huma Abedin finally divorcing her emotionally deranged husband, former congressman Anthony Weiner as being all about Hillary.
"I'm telling you, Hillary's a full blown zombie, she eats brains! If she becomes president, look out! Do you really want a zombie for your President, I mean, come on," Trump exhorted his white male, pale and jagged toothed audience who responded in unison chanting, "Brains!!!"
Today, a citizen concerned about an issue can't get a word in sideways because "Citizens United" made it legal for those with great wealth and corporations to literally buy a politician.
Donald Trump is not an idiot, he's not campaigning in as improvised a way as it may seem, he has a very focused strategy...
When we rhetorically hide our faces behind our hands when election results are obvious and say, "Where are the the winners? Who could they be?" then pull our hands away and say, "Peekaboo!!! What a surprise!!! What does this mean???"...it makes our viewers giggle with delight!
Earlier today I had an interesting interaction with a person who happened to be a Hillary Clinton supporter -- although this same dynamic could have occurred had the situation been reversed I think-- with me being the fan of HRC and her the Bernie person. Exactly what we were discussing isn't even all that relevant. It was the dynamic of the conversation that struck me.
The NRA agenda has been to proliferate not only gun ownership, but gun use. They have intentionally been putting guns in the reach of the violently hateful, mentally unstable and terrorists, to build an intense atmosphere of fear in this country. The idea is to make the citizens of the U.S. so fearful about becoming the victim of gun violence that even those opposing gun proliferation will finally give into their fear and buy guns.
Asked to comment, ISIS officials released a statement calling for the death of all infidels and thanking the cable news stations for helping to create a valuable synergy that will be great for all of their bottom lines for many years to come.
To win a GOP debate, you don't present a policy on the issues, you don't argue principles, you don't literally win a debate over any particular topic, you simply need to show that you are the best at hatin'.