We vehemently bid goodbye to this nightmare of a year, the quarantines, empty shelves of toilet paper, nurses forced to wear garbage bags, and ignorant white people declaring in public places that wearing a mask and sanity is oppression. So, to review the year that never should have been, we offer a selection of graphics that have appeared on PlanetPOV during 2020, in chronological order.
For decades at a minimum, the core dogma of the GOP has been fascism, insisting that only Republicans are entitled to hold power and any elections that result in Democrats winning and people of color being empowered, are by definition, illegitimate or fraudulent.
RUDY GIULIANI: "I'm thankful for absorbent Kleenexes, dental implants, Nosferatu, quick-dry hair dye, lax state laws about forcibly committing people to mental asylums, and nuts...lots and lots of nuts."
Yes, Democrats have all been conspiring with George Soros, Cuba, all poll workers in at least 6 states, voting machine companies, Republican governors, China, Joe Pesci, the late Hugo Chavez and the hair dye industry. You have to admit, it was a hell of a plan. Who'd believe it?
Many of us have been waiting through a neverending and torturous four years for this day to finally come and as impossible as it may have seemed along the way, it's finally presidential Election Day! Of course, there are...
There is less to worry about in the election and more to worry about in the aftermath than has ever been the case in an election in America (even on the brink of the Civil War!). Perhaps these worries won't turn out to have been justified, I hope to be wrong about this. But did you ever think that in America, the approach of an election would require the boarding up of windows and the FBI to be on high alert?
PlanetPOV will be hosting a live chat simultaneously with the debate, to share reactions, insights and humor as the debate plays out. The Live Chat and debate both start at 6:00pm PDT/9:00pm PDT.
Looking at the record-breaking early voting and the higher turnout of younger and minority voters, it seems much more likely that Biden over-performs than Trump, winning more than the necessary 270 electoral votes he seems likely to win at this point.
The Commission on Presidential Debates announced in the aftermath of Trump's Faux Tourette Syndrome disruption of the first debate and subsequent contraction of COVID-19, that the debate would have a virtual format. So why did Trump loudly refuse to debate in this format?


Happy New Year! It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

Lucifer and Mazakeen are making plans for Trump's presidential visit.

Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All Part 2

How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?