Why isn't the "white working class" identity politics? Are these politicians saying that what is good for the white working class, is good for everyone? In a perfect world, what is good for one American SHOULD be good for ALL Americans. The problem is we don't live in a perfect world.
Donald Trump shows a striking inability to parse information. He can't order and arrange, or prioritize data in a normal way. So, we get pink elephants like airports in the Eighteen Century, refugees from terror and rampant criminality depicted as villains, and raking as a cure-all for the desiccation of North America. The President seems to be getting worse, and we are all in terror of what he may do.
They steal our votes, and our hard earned incomes. They keep us in fear of imagined monsters, when the greatest enemy and danger in history is upon us - the wolf is at the door. They break laws aggressively, to destroy the "Rule of Law."
There is nothing in our political or governmental lexicon to address an illegitimate presidency, probably because the framers of the Constitution neve envisioned that happening.
The dehumanisation of humans is always a step too far and it allows those who defend policies that lead to the images posted above with weak excuses of blaming parents for trying to save themselves and their families from brutality, starvation and fear.
Those who defend and support treason, regardless of their reasons for supporting it, are guilty of aiding and abetting treason.
Americans need to be both vigilant and wary of the current situation as this president is not beyond lying to have his ultimate goal of starting a war against an enemy he has no understanding of other than that of hawkish men who have no issue in sending US troops to their slaughter along with the slaughter of tens of thousands of others.
The imperfections of a democracy tend to be known to all who participate in it and more often than not, disregard those little imperfections because they are constantly hit with a barrage of rhetoric to confuse and conquer.
"Her Majesty trusted in me to serve a thick, over-sized side of beef in a flaky fragile shell and in the end, I wasn't able to serve Mr. Trump," Flanagan said.
What you see in these RW Republican politicians on most issues is pretty consistent support for allowing the deaths of others to poverty, guns, wars, old age, etc.. Their "pro-life" position on abortion is an anomaly...and that's because to them, this issue isn't really about religious beliefs or compassion, It's about something else far more crass and cynical. It's about power.


The Hard Truth About This World – There Is Evil

“The times that tried men’s souls are over, and the greatest and compleatest revolution the world ever knew is gloriously and happily accomplished.

Donald Trump Does Not Love This Country

Donald Trump constantly talks about, no, that is wrong, brags about how much he loves this country. But his actions tell a different story. His behavior, what he supports and condones, and what he is willing to do are not the acts of a person who professes a love of country but a clear sense of megalomania and dictatorial tendencies.

A Tale about Racism – Their Mommas Lied To Them: Part 1

When Obama completed the oath of office, Thirteen-year-old Rashad glanced at his mom and dad, seeing something he had never seen his father and mother do, wiping tears from their eyes. They both looked at each other, not saying a word. He heard his dad say, ‘I wish Mom, Dad, and my grandfather were here to see this.'

Help Me Understand: Why Trump Again?

"No amount of persuasion can change a man's reaction to what he knows. But what he knows can be changed, and the most direct manner is to alter the images in his mind." - Dennis Kimbo