The sound of those words, “Go back to where you came from,” clangs in my memory, the warning knell of an evil I thought we had overcome a long time ago. Certainly overcome in this country, where the non-violent overthrow of hatred seemed a done deal, accomplished solely as a result of a basic decency in the soul of America, a natural affirmation of admirable values, deeply felt values, I had thought.
“Go back to where you came from” is the antithesis of those values. It is, as AOC put it so eloquently, a “…conception of an America that we tried to move past for a long time.” It is the naked acknowledgement of an Otherism that is incompatible with what I had been taught was the American spirit of equality of all human beings and of “E pluribus unum,” out of many, one! I thought these were at the very foundation of our nation and that the consensus around those ideals was unshakeable and drove us forward towards the future.
Yet we find ourselves once again at this familiar crossroad, a moment to test once again if “…that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated [to the proposition that all men are created equal], can long endure.
Trump speaks to, and uses for his own purposes, the darkness that can overtake us when we are confronted with the stress and fears of rapid change. One manifestation of that darkness is what is often called racism, an overly utilized term whose use I understand, though I usually try to avoid in favor of more nuanced descriptions. Yet I find no problem in calling these words racist, because they represent an attitude that is certainly a precursor if not a prerequisite to racist attitudes. Before one can feel free to display one’s antipathy towards entire groups of people, even while mouthing the words that all people are truly created equal, one needs to see those groups as less than, as unworthy of equal treatment, as not counting in the concept of “all people.” They must be regarded as some thing Other!
When Trump tells American-born women of color to go back to where they came from, he is explixitly telling them that he does not recognize them as American. They are “foreign,” they are from those “shit hole countries” that are inferior to us, they are among the “rapists” and “criminals” and terrorists and other immigrants whose skin color and heritage makes them something different from real Americans, from those immigrants who came from the “good” and “worthy” countries such as bond-haired, blue-eyed Norway. It is possible that his racism is so ingrained in him that he does not even recognize it as such. In that, he is not so different from many in this country. They will have you believe that their antipathy towards these others is justified by behavior and attitudes that are more a product of their own imagination or their news feeds than from their own personal experiences or from the consideration and empathy that they would extend to those they consider “real Americans.”
It is understandable that many feel the country they have always known, or thought they knew, is now under threat, that they feel a need to defend that old notion. But though I understand it, I feel no need to excuse it or accept it. That outlook of what America is falls far short of true greatness. “Go back to where you came from” represents a smallness and meanness that is anathema to who we are, or at least who I thought we were. If we are not that then what are we really?
These are difficult and confusing times. The turmoil in the country is manifest, and the desperation for change is evident throughout the political spectrum. But for us who still believe that America is more than just material wealth and military power, more than merely a geographically spot on a cold rock in space, more than the property of the powerful or of a privileged but shrinking majority, those of us who see this nation as a proving ground for the concept that we can all exist together with mutual respect and civility, all of these issues and possibilities must be subjugated to the goal of eliminating the greatest threat to the idea of America since the Civil War.
Donald Trump must be thrown out of office in 2020! Period!
As always Mike well done. But I don’t think Trump’s racism is so ingrain he is unaware of what he is saying. He is quite aware, and is counting on the attention his comments have generated.
He is doing this purposely to stoke up his base as we saw Wednesday. His claim that he started speaking very fast to quell the shouts of “send her home” clearly disproved by the 13 seconds he waited.
He is the boil on the pimple of the arse of all the collective racists he is playing.
Again well done.
DJT is just an idiot who found himself, one day, sitting in the highest office in the land, undeserving and wholly incompetent, strutting the title like a full-blown peacock on steroids.
There’s nothing “special” about him, he is actually less average than the average hard-working American. He’s a lazy bum who’s mastery is in using money to the influence and sway of public opinion and in binding people to him, however possible, who’ll bail him out, fix things and pave his road with golden pebbles. His mind’s like any other 3yo’s mind, he can’t stay on subject, he constantly winds and rewinds his verbal onslaughts and isn’t intelligent.
He’s just practiced at what he does best, conning and grifting. I think he’s also a perverted sexual predator and if there is a God, this Epstein case will reveal that to the public. If not, it’ll come out somehow, I’m sure.
Be sure, however, that for as many in law enforcement as there are who want this boor in jail, he has just as many ( now with Barr, too ) working against that. Interesting times…. for sure.
Lets hope the tide can be stemmed before too many more people get hurt and the bees all die.
Oh, forgot something I wanted to mention in last comment. Trump’s supporters seem to want to ban all Muslims from America because they fear them. That seems interesting yet at the same time Trump’s supporters are screaming send her back, Trump wants to sell Muslims (Saudi Arabians) state of the art weaponry.
Carlson, is that you ?
Or is it Carlton… lol anyways, Richard .. if this IS you , I’m so happy to see you !!
Try Caslon lol. Yeah, it’s me. Just thought I would stop on by and stick in my two cents.
These times are not much different than what we faced in the late 1960’s early 1970’s when the people rose up against the corrupt ways of our government and were told, America! Love it or leave it! Well screw them. We didn’t leave and instead continued to increase the number of voices and took on our politicians and won. What we had back then which we do not have today is a movement. When all the factions having grievances with our corrupt government today come together, then and only then will our voices be heard.
Excellent summation of the horror that is wreaking havoc on our government – our people!
We simply must throw this sick man out of our government if we want to save ourselves.
I’ve gone beyond being upset and this is just the beginning. Not that we didn’t expect this but it is beyond outrageous when it happens. I think he has seen the numbers that show he has a greater potential for dreg Alt Right voters who usually don’t vote who can be gotten to vote by hate than we have in reaction. I also had noticed he was starting to lose support from the neo-N@zis/White Nationalist types and needed to get them back. Well, Stormfront and the Daily Stormer are back on board. And his ads and links to his campaign website are starting to appear once again on the worst cesspool site, 8Chan.
He is willing to give up whatever more moderate Republicans he still had with his vicious attack on Paul Ryan. He obviously gave up the bull crap that he was getting more Black and Hispanic support. And while it looks like he was trying for the Jewish vote with his Israel comments, he knows damn well there’s hardly a Jew in the US who hasn’t also been told to go back where they came from. He was playing to Looney Toon Christian Zionists, NOT Jews.
This latest intentional vile bigotry will likely cost him a million votes in terms of voters he losses and new voters we get, etc. unless the Dems F it. So he hopes and expects we will both F it and he will gain way more than a million new dregs who usually don’t vote. This game can work for him if he picks up just 10% of Whites without a college degree who usually don’t vote but are considered potential voters.
Don’t look now, but I think congressional Democrats have already F’d it up. You and I disagree on this, but I think the unwillingness to impeach trump makes him look stronger than Democrats, and as I have said before, most people prefer strong and wrong over weak and right, or even weak and wrong. Democrats look weak.
Yes, we disagree. As the bulk of the voting public also disagrees with you. I want to get Trump out first. You want to make a principled point first.
If the “bulk” of the voting public actually wants trump to remain in office, THIS is a “shithole” country. One definition of a “shithole” country is one whose voters elect an “asshole” as their leader. I absolutely reject the notion that the majority of Americans want trump to remain in office. Will republicans vote to remove him? NOT A SNOWBALL’S CHANCE IN HELL! Should the rest of us allow ourselves to be as low as republicans are, for ANY reason? We each have to answer that question for ourselves, including the Speaker of The House. There is no doubt in my mind that 100% of the 137 Democrats who voted to kill the impeachment resolution believe trump has committed impeachable offenses AND he is unfit for the office of POTUS. However, before any of those 137 Democrats say another word about how republicans are not taking a stand against trump, they have to look in the mirror. I am of the conviction that WE as a people, get the government we deserve. If WE are not willing to reject trump by using the constitutionally legal tools WE have been entrusted with, then WE deserve trump.
There is a really big difference between wanting Trump ousted and wanting to go for Impeachment that has near zero chance of ousting him. At this point the only real chance we have of ousting him is by beating him next year. And again, the bulk of the public and of the Dems who want him ousted are convinced that going for Impeachment now will not get him out and will actually hurt our chances of winning in 2020.
You are entitled to your opinion. As you know, I think that approach enables trump and his supporters. If a child or a criminal or anyone misbehaves with no consequences, what do you think that person will do? My guess is they will continue to misbehave. Not holding trump accountable due to perceived political consequences is effectively condoning his actions. What most congressional republicans are saying about trump’s racism is essentially that yes, trump is a racist, but that is ok because I am a racist as well. Congressional Democrats likewise are saying, yes trump is a crook but that is ok because I am afraid to confront crooks. When I asked the question of should we allow ourselves to be as low as republicans, your answer as I receive it is, yes.
I’ll take being called a crook over Trump getting a second term anyway…
What should surprise no one is that he is using racism to win votes.
I don’t know how folks can feel anything but disgust at his latest blatant racism. Why are his GOP pals trying so hard to spin and twist his words, if it weren’t really bad…
Trump is saying he didn’t say “Send her back”, but rather his supporters, who he called patriots for chanting that, said it. Democrats should run not only on trump being a racist, but that the GOP is a racist party that is supported by racist voters. What are the chances of racist republicans voting for ANY Democrat, including Biden? IF anyone who voted for trump in 2016, votes for a Democrat in 2020, the reason will be because they are not a racist and won’t support a racist party. Democrats will build on their voter base by appealing to people who don’t normally vote and a huge turnout from the base. It is a total waste of time and energy for Democrats to try to appease racist republican voters.
Correct. There really are a lot people who are beyond hope. Worse, they love being beyond hope. We should do nothing to appeal to them for 2020 since they are totally wedded to their God-Emperor who is egging them on. There is no way in just a few years to get to them. They can only be defeated so bad and their cult leader removed for there to be any hope of getting to whatever good angles they might still have. But because they are so rabid best also not stir them too much. Trump is banking on us doing just that so even the ones who never vote will swarm out of the rotten woodwork and vote for the first time. We need to allow him to stir our base and our new voters to the polls without helping him by stirring his base as well. It will be hard and frustrating.
Some of them haven’t gotten the message that Trump doesn’t want the moderates and thinks he can win with more of the worse of the worst. He wants to win with only the dregs so he will not be beholden in anyway to any moderating influence as he moves to become an authoritarian fascist ruler. If he wins, he will move from just wanting to be a Caligula to trying to be a Mussolini or worse.
Well said, Mike.
What gets me is that some in the press think they are being “fair” by presenting Trump’s and his cronies’ justifications for an obviously racist statement, as reasonable alternatives.
I have no doubt that if that fabled Apprentice tape came out with Trump using the N-word, he and his toadies would be saying the same things excusing it and Trump as “not having a racist bone in his body”.
The press is supposed to provide facts and truths to the public, not give propaganda from one side the same weight as truth from the other side.
The obviously-phony facade that Trump and Repubs hid behind has been torn off now, there is no question anymore about Trump being a racist and Repubs enabling and supporting his (and their) racism.
The 2020 elections have been described as a battle for the soul of the country by Biden. While he’s not my preference for the nom, that sensibility seems to be quite accurate.
Those who believe in what America has stood for at its best had better work hard and be aggressive in GOTV in 2020 because four more years of Trump will drag America so deeply into the gutter of racism and moral decay, some damage may not be reversible.
I couldn’t have said it better myself, Mike Pope. There is an unbearable stench coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and it must be eradicated. Thank you for your post.