Putin's game plan has been clear, using Russia's renewed oil revenues and supplies to support and control those countries that undermine stability for the rest of the world to create a space for Russia to wedge itself back in as the most powerful and threatening force among nations.
They combine all of their supermarket shopping needs for the week into one large list so they can save time and money to put towards taking away the 99%'s time and money.
Those who have propagated bigotry and hatred for profit like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News have so saturated society with it, that people who join that horrible chorus feel that they are just doing the normal thing.
The question to be asked of Republicans about the poor, aside from, "How can you be such complete assholes?!" is, "Really, there are well paying jobs out there just waiting for the poor to apply but the poor won't because they're way too comfy being poor? Name those specific jobs."
There was a crooked man, and he blocked a crooked mile, He found a crooked fallguy within a crooked pile; He bought a crooked guise which hid a crooked louse, And he lied like a carpet in his little crooked house.
If Chris Christie did become President, after declaring that his first act in office would be ordering the National Guard to install defrosters in Hell (and insisting that Hell freezing over wasn't caused by human activity), who would he nominate to be in his cabinet?
To be as fair as possible, this still remains an allegation but to have the willingness of Wildstein to return the favor and throw Christie under the bus to save his own skin, it does look like Christie's days are numbered. How many other termites might follow Wildstein out of the woodwork?