So when the reporter asked Pence the question, “is it harder for black Americans to make in this country?” his rambling answer tells us what we already know. He is far too afraid to admit the truth, Yes, it is harder for African-Americans to make it in this country.
No attempts by any of the other officers to have Chauvin remove his knee from the neck of Floyd,
In the first place it's not a rule, but a state of being. Of a society. But, moreover, it is the achievement of an acceptably stable and successful state of existence where the law is trusted and consulted. Where people "have faith" in law. Where a substantial majority believe in the virtues of living in a law-abiding society, and the responsibilities entailed. "The Rule of Law" is an achievement. Of a People.
With this decision, Roberts is not just nullifying the rule of law, by creating a broad and variable class of people who are not subject to it. He is altering the Constitution itself, by creating a new concept in the Law, that if a person is a member of a group that might conceivably be of interest to national security (every country in the world), then law does not apply.
If, as one of the excellent jobs of writing in today's news posits, Criminal William Barr is the "hitman," then Oathbreaker John Roberts must be the "wheelman," who drove the getaway car.
First, Republicans told us that, "Truth isn't truth." Then, the most remorseless liar that I've ever seen informed us further that, "There's no such thing as truth." Now, Mr. Santorum would have us believe that, "Truth is irrelevant."
Dershowitz went on to suggest that it may have been Columbia drug dealers who actually tried to bribe Ukraine to smear Biden and that Mr. Trump suspects that the real perpetrator was a lying con man with a lot of money so he has been spending a great deal of time at golf courses to "find the real extorter".
When Will The FBI, Or William Barr, Make It's Move To Subvert Trump's Impeachment Trial? Today?
Republicans will be able to block, individually, any new witnesses. They will do this with every important witness. That's a rigged trial.
There have to be limits on power. If there are none, then evil men and women will use fear, brute force, and nationalism to enslave us.