Some studies have been done to determine the effectiveness of body cameras worn by police officers. Effects on police/community relations and the numbers of complaints by citizens, of excessive force used by police officers were two key factors in these studies.
Can we as citizens of this nation have an influence on policies that could help to alleviate some of the pain/strife that we see in this nation? Should we be trying to make this country/this world a better place or should we just be spectators?
"These ISIS guys, they won't be armed, right? I mean, we're seasoned Ferguson cops, we're used to dealing harshly with groups of unarmed enemies, we're great at that."
Apparently, revolution and guns are only good things when in the hands of white people. Can you imagine what would be happening in Ferguson, MO right now if those protesting over the murder of Michael Brown openly carried rifles and hand guns in their protests?
Ferguson, Missouri, is a majority-black city governed and policed mostly by whites. The mayor is white. The police chief is white. The police force is 94 percent white. Only one of its six city council members is black. Ferguson, with a 67 percent black population, seem to defy electoral logic.
The militarization of police forces has turned them from a philosophy of protecting and serving the community to responding to even minor situations en masse with armored vehicles, military gear and combat uniforms complete with helmets and gas masks and we see an America that only used to live in dark science fiction stories.
What if ISIS was invading Jordan or Israel or even somewhere in Europe and on a genocidal march through the country, would President Obama be just as much of a hypocrite if he acted against them then? Are hypocrisy and conscience conditional based on what the latitude and longitude is of a terrorist-driven slaughter?
GOP candidate for governor of California went to the city of Fresno to spend a week homeless and made this video about his experience. B.S. or commendable?
The real issue here is that when you criticize white people in power for using their power to further oppress black people, you're being racist. After all, aren't you attacking only white people when you do so?
As if there weren't enough to keep track of over the past week, New Yorkers were treated to heavy rotation of a shocking video...