Share your favorite songs about mothers, family, children and love as we join in a tribute to those wonderful women who brought us into the world and taught us what it means to be loved as well as those who grew up to become mothers and taught the same to their children.
This weekend's music theme is about work and (well-earned) play. Songs about working at anything, whether it's a job, playing music or a relationship and songs about play including traveling, games and anything people do for fun when the workweek is over.
One of the most profound experiences of my life was the fall of the Berlin Wall. I was nine years old but could feel the change. I won't talk about the fall of the Berlin Wall (certainly not Hasselhoff), but to say the DDR was crumbling from within, and it was not Reagan.
The "Disrupters" are trying to obstruct the scientific method. And not just about ultimate conclusions, which we expect to be debated and argued about. They are using a military-like tactic to retreat while fighting over every foot of ground. Why? To suppress the death count.
There's another dirty trick going on if you want to hear about yet another: quality serology testing is already available in China. Hundreds of thousands of kits have been made available to us, but are being held up by the F.D.A. Another stupid delay, when every delay costs lives.
This weekend's music thread is about light (but not inside your body). Sunlight, light, fire, and all things bright are in the spotlight this weekend (and after everything going on including staying inside so much, we can all use a bit more light in our lives!).
A Simulated Interview With Donald Trump
Democratic politicians are giving Trump all the rope he wants - to hang himself. But that is murder.
According to Oz, one "appetizing opportunity" is to reopen our schools. Oz says there would "only" be a 2-3% mortality rate among schoolchildren. Approximately 1.5 million kids. Way to "get our mojo back" on the deaths of over a million children! What a compassionate "doctor".
To call attention to Trump's cowardice (one among many) of always blaming his failures on others, this weekend's thread is for songs with titles or lyrics about you, me, he, she, us and them. But mostly "him".


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."