Hillary and Bill Clinton are incredibly wealthy people who move in the circles of the same wealthy and powerful who have inordinate control over our democracy and society, they are friends and peers with them...so is it most likely that if elected, she's going to hammer her best friends to help "the others"?
During one particular political segment, the station played a clip of John Boehner doing one of his “Jobs…Jobs…(It’s all your fault, Mr. President)… Jobs” rants. At that point, a question occurred to me: How many US jobs, now exported, did those three cargo vessels represent?
Leading MMT thinkers and authors insist often and loudly that they are simply trying to describe how money and thereby the economy, government and the private sector work. Whether a capitalist, socialist, communist, or any other -ist, everyone should want to know how the system they exist in operates.
Anyone who is looking forward to the time when major corporations will start hiring Americans for good paying jobs again in big numbers, are among those who don't know what the "new normal" is for corporations.
The question to be asked of Republicans about the poor, aside from, "How can you be such complete assholes?!" is, "Really, there are well paying jobs out there just waiting for the poor to apply but the poor won't because they're way too comfy being poor? Name those specific jobs."
When the veterans who served their country are retired after 3 or more years of service, they are excellent possible employees for some business.
What if as a massive group, the American People enforced a TARP deal in the reverse direction, from the banks to the people?
"Look, I'm not a scientist so I can't say one way or the other if the climate is changing, I think the jury is still out on that," President Koch III expressed as he christened the new impervious dome constructed around the White House in a high security ceremony.
If we had jobs that paid well and a minimum wage that was livable we would not have nearly as many problems. People would be busy doing their jobs and living their lives.
Thinking the unthinkable. As horrible as it is to think of this, the wise are doing just that.


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."