This wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back, it was a two ton girder of betrayal and abuse of power that squashed the camel flat. The American people, were so outraged that Trump's continued freedom to destroy our democracy unfettered and the status quo that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tried to sustain to avoid impeachment, were no longer acceptable.
I took formal civics instruction in 7th Grade and as a Junior in High School in preparation for a graduation requirement: the Citizens' Civic...
This issue isn't just about whether anyone can prosecute criminal behavior by a President while in office, it's about Trump using the Office of the President to help himself politically in what may constitute dereliction of duty and treason.
The lesson from 2016 should be, nominate someone who is inspiring to voters and brings with them too little baggage to be buried under. The media types who are Republicans and lean to the center/right or right, are more preoccupied with filling the Dem nomination slot with someone reflecting their more conservative, establishment sensibilities. That is very different from picking the candidate most likely to beat Trump and best bring change to the country.
Finally! After a two month break from debates, the top ten candidates for president in the Democratic Party gather in Houston to debate. And all...
Trump explained, "Okay, some people say that Mr. Bin Laden may have been a hateful madman who was followed as a cult leader and didn't care about the lives of anyone else..but somehow, I feel a real connection with him."
Racism is a rampant disease, that the Republican Party and Trump intend to use as a wedge to tear this country apart; to "bust it out" and burn it down, to end the experiment, America. And Donald Trump would love to light the match.
Consider Trump's campaign of terror on immigrants and people of color, from the Muslim Ban to Trump's demagoguing of Latinos as dangerous threats to white Americans to tearing babies away from their parents and locking them in torturous conditions. Isn't he trying to illegally terrorize people in pursuit of political aims? That is the exact definition of terrorism.
Trump’s fragile, largely delusional, emotional stability and ego-driven grandiosity, criminality and vindictiveness could well go full-tilt ballistic should the label “Trump the Usurper” begin to stick.
Are the Moderate Democrats unaware that by being focused on praising and pandering to the "white working class"/"good people on both sides" crowd, they are insulting, taking for granted and alienating the very Democratic voters who are younger and African American that they need to actually win?


America Under Assault – Don’t You Dare Look Away

I’m appalled at the sanction rape and pillaging Trump has allowed Elon Musk to commit on the American people as he stands and watches...

How to Turn Your Backyard into a Home For The Homeless

These folks are my real community.  I like them, think they’re interesting, see how hard they work to survive and sometimes get ahead. They have gotten jobs, housing, and renewed family contacts. That was our goal. A Safe Haven in the Storm of Life.

Vox Populi – 02-21-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib2 hours ago Hey Murph! AdLib2 hours...

Vox Populi – 02-14-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib3 hours ago Hey TW! AdLiban hour...

For Whom The Dell Tolls

Dell and many other corporations are having difficulty dealing with a workforce that is becoming obsolete with the advancement of AI technology, a problem most corporations ignored earlier, believing they have time or that they will always need the level of employees they have to provide the products and services they offer to the general public and their overseas customers.