
Anarcho-syndicalist Fabian libertarian socialist and Satanic devotée of Saint Dymphna obsessed with ancient cultures and obscure languages.

A Case Against Liberal

Among my list of pet peeves, is liberal. Is this because the conservatives on FOX made it toxic so I had to choose progressive? Maybe at first. But I did the little researching thing, and prefer left or progressive for several international and historic(al?) reasons.

Intros to Drumming

My number one pet peeve about drumming, is that everyone thinks they can do it. Every drum circle of hippies I've been to, I want to confiscate their drums. You have fancy djembes, darboukas, and all sorts of frame drums and tambourines and shakers - but you can't count to four, let alone subdivide it.

Rebroadcast Live from New York!

SNL isn't the edgiest, and I hear you when you talk about it's 'punk' roots. And Canada's SCTV came before or was a contemporary. Kids in the Hall was later. Exit 57 in the mid-90s [Colbert, Sedaris, Dinello].

Hogmanay (A Scottish Happy New Year)

Didna any ye ever figure it odd ye sung that ev'ry New Year's Eve? Not only is it clearly Robert Burns, but it's clearly Scots. Scots English if you want to be an asshole. I have books on Scots. It's not Gaelic, but in my opinion, it is to standard English as Dutch is to German.

A Tale of Two Vancouvers But Mostly Mine, the Best One

I was born, raised, and lived in the city of Vancouver into my mid-twenties, in the American state of Washington, with only a population of about 180,000; making it the fourth largest city in Washington (after Seattle, Spokane, and Tacoma), while Vancouver, British Columbia is the eighth largest city in Canada.

Germany’s Political Parties – A Rainbow of Uncertainty

Germany has a mixed proportional system, which I wish we had. In your district, in your state, you vote for your preferential candidate first. And then, you vote for your preferred party list preference. As long as a party gets a 5% threshold, they will get seats. Beyond this, my head hurts trying to explain it, but it's still better than the electoral college.

A Letter From the Island of Misfit Toys

Call this my third Essay on living with ADD and Depression and Anxiety… I had the most respect for these people. Not asking for a handout, just mutual support and understanding - and as always - laughing at the farce and foibles of life as you never can. I wouldn't be here if I couldn't laugh at myself, so why do others take yourselves so seriously?

The Devil You Should Know Better

It is those that literally believe in a Devil that freak out even most Satanists. I’m not saying you can’t believe in that, but - it’s bizarre. Actual Devil worship has more to do with Christian Demonology and stuff like the Malleus Maleficarum.

Castling in Black

I get, pardon the pun 'triggered' when people boil down mass shootings to mental illness. Or even just the weird quiet kid. Are there cases where mental illness plays a part? Without a doubt. People that could have been helped.

The Poison Well, Font of Perpetual Defeat

There is no mechanism for the change you want, and most of the country wouldn't want it. I hate it when the American left become caricatures of themselves. How they mirror what the Tea Party was on the other side of the coin.