
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2315 POSTS

Trailer for New Michael Moore Doc – “Capitalism – A Love Story”

Despite complaints about his ego, filmmaking style and his overexposure in the 2004 elections, Michael Moore remains the most effective, progressive and influential filmmaker out there. Expect the MSM to...

Another Prick in the Town Hall – Music Video Parody

Republican insanity and naked lust for power...with a beat! As disgusting as the right wing claims and frothing at the mouth is, it is even more ridiculous when sung....

The Epidemic of Racism

We've seen this same segment of the population before that is currently spewing hatred at the town hall meetings on health care. They were the same ones foaming at the...

Those Were the Wet Old Days

When you take a long shower or relaxing bath, consider that future generations may look back at the freedom to use as much water as one wants as unbelievable. As...

Nattering GOP-bobs of Negativity

Seriously, what does the GOP stand for? Goofballs Opposing Progress? Now of course it's understandable that the most  loyal Republicans include those opposing evolution, racial equality and integration, health care as...

EXCLUSIVE: Orly Taitz Kenyan Birth Certificate!

Shocking! Shocking I say! PlanetPOV has uncovered the truth about Orly Taitz and though she claims to be a citizen of Wack-ovia, she was in fact born in Kenya!...

Night of the Living Dumb

What seems to be shaping up as the ultimate national internal conflict for the United States is not Republican vs. Democrat, Conservative vs. Liberal, Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice or Family...

PlanetPOV Video – The Pharma Empire Strikes Back

Winning Nothing

It really shouldn't be surprising that the Republican Party is focused right now on winning nothing, the biggest nothing in recent times. The GOP's goal, what they are campaigning full...

Red, White and Bull

It seems far too many Americans live by the phrase, "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining...unless you're really, really convincing." Many people WANT to be sold on bullshit, they just don't like thinking about things that make them feel bad or insecure and welcome any and all attempts to re-label reality. This is endemic in politics but just as intertwined in most other parts of society.