Kesmarn's brilliant article, Please, tear that price tag off!, impresses the powerful image of our democracy and citizenry as a 500 pound patient, too bloated to help itself or...
In the aftermath of this year's election, I was in the midst of throwing out all the books in my bookshelf that contained the word "sense" ("Sense and Sensibility",...
So many memes, so little truth! There's a wide divide between the "observations" and predictions that inundate us from the MSM and reality, especially around election time.
A happy Halloween from The Planet to all of our members and readers! In celebration of this Hallow's Eve, a little treat (or trick, depending on your POV) for...
bitohistory : His book publisher?
AdLib : Who cares what he's doing?
AdLib : Ouch! Rumsfeld definitely puts the "Twit" in "Twitter".
bitohistory : «link»
AdLib : Night...