
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2307 POSTS

Is All That Anger Out There Making You Mad?

There's so much hostility in our society and media...doesn't it just piss you off?!

The Mad Hatter’s America

There seems to be less interest among Americans in the validity of a political conflict, even if its cause is clearly dishonest, than who comes out on top as the winner.

Weekend Music Thread – Love and Marriage

Celebrate New York's historic passage of gay marriage with songs about love and marriage!

Vox Populi – 6-24-2011

AdLib : Well Abby, looks like we're closing the Vox Populi bar tonight. Thanks so much for helping to make it another enlightening chat and thanks...

WATCH LIVE: Pres. Obama’s Speech on Afghanistan

President Obama speaks tonight at 5:00 pm PDT on Afghanistan policy and troop withdrawals, you can watch it live right here.

Watch Current TV or We’ll Burn This Flag!

This is a rare opportunity to strengthen our nation's democracy simply by watching tv.

Vox Populi – 6-17-2011

Chernynkaya : Night AdLib and Sally! Chernynkaya : OPh, and I call him at least weekly with some pressing issue that he solves by telling me to reboot. SallyT...

The Insanity Defense for Trickle Down

You don't have to be crazy to believe that the same Republican Supply Side economics that destroyed our economy will magically fix it...but it helps.

A Viewers Guide to Tonight’s GOP Debate in NH

Some pre-debate insights into tonight's GOP Debate in New Hampshire which is sponsored by Ringling Brothers Circus.

Weekend Music Thread – Stay Cool

Cool music and thoughts for our friends going through this week's heat wave. Chill with some cool tunes!