Rupert Murdoch may explain to those he "puts a hit" on, "It's nuthin' personal, it's just business," but to any citizen of any nation that wishes to preserve their democracy, it's pretty damn personal.
Chernynkaya : Thanks!
invient : yup good job moderating. Good Night!
Chernynkaya : Cool, invient! Well, I'm signing off now, and htanks for joining!
invient : it is just a name I...
AdLib is online.
AdLib : Thanks Tex!
texliberal : Have a great 4th
AdLib : Night Tex, have a fun 4th!
AdLib : Well, looks like a good time to bring this edition...
Take action to support MN Gov. Mark Dayton in this tense government shutdown, as he fights to fill a $5 billion budget gap by making the wealthy pay their fair share instead of allowing Republicans to squeeze it all out of the middle class once again.
There seems to be less interest among Americans in the validity of a political conflict, even if its cause is clearly dishonest, than who comes out on top as the winner.