
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2314 POSTS

Occupy Wack Street

The Republican Presidential Candidates' occupation of the GOP, or as they refer to it, Occupy Wack Street, doesn't seem to have a leader and it's not clear exactly what they want. Can this movement last?

Vox Populi – 10-21-2011

AdLib : Sounds great! See you then and inbetween! Get some rest and feel well! Emerald1943 : Adlib, thanks for everything you do also. This place is a treasure! I...

A Radical Economic Solution – Stop Paying Banks For Credit Card Debt

What if as a massive group, the American People enforced a TARP deal in the reverse direction, from the banks to the people?

LIVE BLOG: GOP Debate in Las Vegas

Coming to you live from the city where money rules and the majority of people lose big, it's the GOP Debate in Las Vegas!

Occupy Los Angeles on The International Day of Action

The Occupy Wall Street protest is only growing, as is the movement nationally and worldwide. Here are some observations, video and media from Occupy Los Angeles.

Vox Populi – 10-14-2011

AdLib : Night all, thanks so much for a great edition of Vox Populi! See you next week! MurphTheSurf3 : Ta Ta All. choicelady : And with that pompous note I...

Herman Cain’s “999” Attacks the 99%

Here's a a plan to destroy Social Security and Medicare, crush the poor and plunge most Americans deeper in debt just so that the wealthy can pay less in taxes...and the perpetrator becomes more popular?

LIVE BLOG: GOP Debate Tonight on Bloomberg TV

Well, I know you're waiting with bated breath to watch tonight's economics-only debate between the GOP candidates for President. For those who will be watching, please join us here for...

Weekend Music Thread – We’re Not Gonna Take It!

This weekend's Music Thread goes out to the Occupy Wall Street protesters and movement. Songs about protest, fighting back, youth and change are all welcome in this tribute.

Vox Populi – 10-7-2011

AdLib : Consider writing an article as an on-ramp for the uninitiated and as I mentioned, it could be a valuable and ongoing recruiting tool which you can update...