
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2314 POSTS

Vox Populi – 3-9-12

SallyT : Good night! choicelady : LOL!! Good night! SallyT : You have a good weekend, too. Hope you see some rain. Sweet dreams or dreasm right back at you! choicelady :...

Promises Kept by President Obama

It's easy to lose perspective on events when in the midst of them but it seems that more profound decisions and actions have taken place under President Obama, despite a viciously polarized Republican opposition, than under any other President in recent memory.

LIVE BLOG – Super Tuesday 2012

Mitt Romney may once again be the inevitable candidate...which is of course oxymoronic (emphasis on the "moronic"). Join us right here for a live blog of Super Tuesday results!

The Republican Party of the Future

If you think the thinking and policies of the GOP are worse today than ever, imagine what bills Republicans in Congress might come up with in five or ten years.

Vox Populi – 3-2-2012

SallyT : Night! AdLib : Night! SallyT : Done! AdLib : Thanks Sally! You're the best! Don't forget to put the dip back in the fridge. SallyT : You go enjoy the show...

Weekend Music Thread – Girl Power

To recognize their strength and power that won't be diminished by obese neanderthals, this week's music theme is about women. Women singers, composers and songs about women. It's time for Girl Power!

Huffington Post Hacklines – Vol. 1

Here are top front page Hacklines (hack headlines) from the rich swamp of corporate tabloidism that now is The Huffington Post.

The GOP Handbook For Training Your Woman

One of our Special Ops members secured this secret GOP document that describes their plans for dealing with women if they win control of the White House and Congress this November.

LIVE BLOG: GOP Primaries in Michigan and Arizona

Will hating college, gays and women's rights beat hating unions, economic fairness and honesty? Join us for a live blog of tonight's GOP primaries in MI and AZ to find out!

Gas Prices and the Presidency – An MSM Fictional Production

If the GOP wants to cry about gas prices being high because of President Obama, they need to declare that they want the US government to nationalize the oil industry.