AdLib : Same here...hope the optimism bug is catching! Have a great weekend, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well, we shall see....nice may be that the fates hold a better...
This theory may have had its origin as an old wives' (or old grandfathers') tale but perhaps there is also a scientific basis for this...that you can't trust a man with thin lips. Let alone, a politician.
While the GOP was delighted about marrying a right wing conservative, Mitt Romney showed up as a wedding crasher and knocked over the punchbowl at what should have been one of the best times in the GOP's life.
As a tribute to the inspiring speeches at the DNC, this weekend's music thread is about the music that fires you up, songs you play that drive you when you've got a job to do, songs that energize you and light your fuse.
AdLib is online.
AdLib : Same here pal, get some rest and enjoy your hard earned victory!
KQµårk 死神 : I gotta get some rest too but it's been great.
KQµårk 死神...
President Obama delivers his nomination acceptance speech tonight. You’re invited to join us in watching the evening's events and participating in a Live Chat to share your thoughts, observations and reactions in real time.
There is a strategy in primarily impressing a positive perception about the Dems and Obama. It can also infer an accurately negative perception about the Repubs that can be more powerful than explicitly stating to the public "We're on your side and they're your enemies."
Clint Eastwood's misfire couldn't have been more reflective of the GOP and Mitt Romney's candidacy. They have been deluded, dishonest and irrational in attacking an imaginary Obama for being things he isn't and doing things he hasn't.