It appears that Pres. Obama may once again have arrived at a desired outcome of a dangerous and complicated crisis...and once again, will be given no credit for it by the tyrant-lovers on the Right.
Despite arguments to the contrary, President Obama's actions would seem to indicate that he is earnest in wanting military strikes despite his reluctance.
Watch a live feed of The Senate Foreign Relations Committee's debate on a resolution authorizing the use of force against Syria in response to the use of chemical weapons.
Our live weekly chat on the week's events, Vox Populi, begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT. You're invited to join your fellow members in a wide-ranging and always engaging real time conversation about the big issues out there.
We have to reject the unjustified use of fear and imaginary threats to the American public as acceptable reasons to bomb other nations. Facts, reason and principle should be the only tools to win over the public on an argument for war.
A stirring lineup of speakers and 100,000 Americans are currently at the National Mall celebrating and continuing the March On Washington that took place 50 years ago. Watch the live video feed here.