
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2314 POSTS

Has Democracy Outlived Its Usefulness?

Kesmarn's brilliant article, Please, tear that price tag off!, impresses the powerful image of our democracy and citizenry as a 500 pound patient, too bloated to help itself or...

Vox Populi – 11-5-2010

AdLib : Night! PatsyT : Nighty Night ... PatsyT : Phewwww I think Boehner has had enough Khirad : Night guys! AdLib : Looks about time to...

Alexis de Tocqueville’s Blog

In the aftermath of this year's election, I was in the midst of throwing out all the books in my bookshelf that contained the word "sense" ("Sense and Sensibility",...

Vox Populi – 10-29-2010

Moist Robot : nih! AdLib : Always look on the bright side of life. Moist Robot : Adlib, first. Find me a SHRUBBERY! Or else you'll...

A Few Bad Memes

So many memes, so little truth! There's a wide divide between the "observations" and predictions that inundate us from the MSM and reality, especially around election time.

Live Event Chat – Election Night – 11-2-2010

choicelady : Hi everybody - just got home from Oakland and wanted to drop in for a nightcap with you all. Hope everyone is OK? kesmarn : Much...

Join Us For Election Day 2010: Live News Video and Live Chats!

Join your fellow members in watching live video streaming of Election Night 2010 while chatting in real time or posting comments.

Happy Halloween From PlanetPOV!

A happy Halloween from The Planet to all of our members and readers! In celebration of this Hallow's Eve, a little treat (or trick, depending on your POV) for...

WATCH LIVE: The Rally to Restore Sanity

Click the link below to watch The Rally to Resotire Sanity live:

Vox Populi – 10-22-2010

bitohistory : His book publisher? AdLib : Who cares what he's doing? AdLib : Ouch! Rumsfeld definitely puts the "Twit" in "Twitter". bitohistory : «link» AdLib : Night...