So now we have the long-form birth certificate. The 44th President of the United States is a natural-born citizen, and the document was produced amidst a fervor of speculation which has never gone away since being slyly introduced into the campaign arena by some disenchanted and bitter PUMAs. A large proportion of the GOP freshmen Congressmen elected last year doubted that the President was really an American citizen, and their Congressional leaders refused to disabuse them of such a silly notion.
The fact that the President was forced to end such insidious speculation by actually producing his birth document is an embarrassment for America and a blight upon the intellectual reputation of its citizens. The fact that it had to be produced after weeks of outright slander at the hands of a high-profiled American business mogul and reality television star, who’s, allegedly, mounting a run for the Office, himself, smacks of something else entirely.
Donald Trump has often mentioned briefly that he’d like to run for President, but such remarks were always incidental. Trump was too busy shedding wives and businesses to do anything serious in preparation for running for public office – like voting. Yet all of a sudden, for the past month, all we’ve seen is Trump on any and all television networks and chatshows, loudly declaiming doubt about the President’s citizenship. It didn’t matter that everything he was saying was an outright lie – that no one in Hawaii remembered the President as a child, no one admitted going to school with him, that Trump had sent investigators to Honolulu to seek out the elusive birth certificate, that the document was hiding something about who or what the President really was – something sinister.
The only thing that really mattered was that Trump was contributing to the Big Lie school of propaganda: repeating something often enough and loud enough so that eventually people hearing it would come to believe it. Since over 40% of Republicans already believed that the President wasn’t American, not only did these claims further ensconce their belief, they convinced this demographic that Donald Trump was the best and most qualified candidate to run for President from the Republican party.
Some people reckon this is all a publicity act, designed to garner viewers for his television show on NBC; others disagree. On Monday night, Bill Maher, guesting on The Late Show with David Letterman, bet Letterman a week’s wage that Trump was a serious candidate for President. He was doing this, reasoned Bill, simply because he could.
I’m wondering if Trump’s got other motives. I’m actually wondering if Trump isn’t a stalking horse, a smoke-and-mirrors man testing the waters for someone else.
True, since Trump’s emerged, no less than Michelle Bachmann and Mitt Romney have declared they’re setting up “exploratory committees” – sorta kinda like a cowardly way of wondering what people will make of them as candidates before they actually declare. If people like them, they’ll be bold and go for the prize; if they don’t, they’ll retreat to oblivion and lick their wounds. Ron Paul’s emerged with a committee of his own.
But something else has happened too.
Two days ago, Haley Barbour was the first of the wannabes to announce that he actually didn’t intend to run for President. The former RNC chair and current Mississippi governor has certainly run into some long-term memory problems with regard to the history of race relations in his home state, and he’s an ex-lobbyist and Washington insider, which would mean Haley would campaign, not for change in Washington, but for much of the same old same old. But Haley’s closing the door on his candidacy opens up a couple of other doors as well.
Indiana governor Mitch Daniels has often been pitched by the pundits as a viable Republican candidate for 2012 amidst a field full of hucksters, flip-floppers and certified batshit; yet Daniels repeatedly has said that he wasn’t interested in running, especially whilst Barbour, a personal friend, was thinking about a candidacy. Such was their friendship, that Daniels wouldn’t even think of opposing him on the campaign trail; rather, he’d put his full endorsement behind the Mississippian.
Now Barbour’s out of the race, closing the door of candidacy behind him, but graciously holding a door open for Daniels, should he be so obliged.
Not only that, but there’s also a grassroots movement afloat in certain areas of the Republican party. The Republicans are a party steeped in history, just as the Democrats are. The only difference is that the Republican Party is mindful of history and uses it as a guide, where the Democrats, since 1970, at least, have thrown historical caution to the wind. This particular tranche of the party is harkening back to the election of 1952, when it looked as though their only hope was the ueber-conservative Senator from Ohio, Robert Taft, son of the former President and Chief Justice. Horrified at the thought of such a Rightwinger being the front-runner (in those days, there were such things as moderate Republicans), various party operatives got a movement going that resulted in the drafting of war hero, Dwight Eisenhower, and the rest – as they say – is history.
Now there are rumours afloat of an effort to draft Jeb Bush, after looking over the flotsam and jetsam offering themselves up as sacrificial lambs.
What’s this all to do with Trump? I’ll tell you.
Trump blasted on the scene, preaching birtherism from all angles. He took it, shook it and threw it into the mainstream in a way it had never been done so previously. On his way, he managed to make enemies of three such important American icons as Bill Cosby, Jerry Seinfeld and Robert de Niro. Whereas before, birthers were to be scorned and ridiculed, like the preposterous Orly Taitz, now an American business tycoon was echoing doubt and threatening all sorts of investigative action, dominating the conversation in and around serious political discussion shows, amongst other things.
The result is that the President produced the document: to stop the silly season behaviour and shut everyone the hell up. Trump trumpets victory, saying this was all he ever wanted the President to do, and he’s done it. The birthers skulk away to mutter their doubts to themselves and try to come up with something else with which to disqualify the President, searching for yet another euphemism to use in place of the word “black.” John Boehner breathes a sigh of relief, because he won’t have to slap wrists and compromise his principle of not telling people what to think (not that he ever really had any principles in the first place).
And into this somewhat saner arena could step a bona fide, viable and potentially strong candidate in the form of Mitch Daniels … or even a drafted Jeb Bush. Just remember that the last time the Republicans drafted a Presidential candidate, we got 8 years of GOP rule and an introduction to Richard Nixon.

The biggest problem is we live in a world of increasing denialism which some of you know is one of my favorite science blogs and where I got most of my truly subjective information about universal healthcare systems around the world and the ACA law in the US.
Chris Hayes had two guests on that explained the psychology of what I call denialism. One guest said there is actually pathological behavior that has developed based on emotions for conspiracy theories like there are for people who are pathologically sexist, xenophobic or homophobic. One thing both guest pointed out was that the internet is the perfect place to foster these pathologies. I have always talked about the existence of internet bubbles meaning whether the issue is birtherism or climate change denying an ideologue can spend the vast majority of the time they spend on the internet in those manufactured falsehoods and simply ignore any data that is contrary to their opinions.
But today it’s even gone beyond the fringe internet crowd because the crazy has slipped into the MSM mostly for momentary reasons. That’s why there is not an Edward R. Morrow that can save us with the truth anymore. Because anyone can just ignore any part of the media that is telling the truth especially since there are media outlets like Faux News and 90% of talk radio that are expressly delivering ideologically based pathological lies.
Exactly. And guys like Alex Jones who scare people about evil overlords who control everything, start wars and assassinate leaders at will, but can’t seem to do anything about Mr. Jones himself. I asked a Jones supporter that once, “how come they don’t just shut him up if they have no scruples, plan on wiping out a quarter of the human race and can get away with whatever they want?”
His answer? Alex Jones is not “important enough”.
The king of all conspiracy theorists, the guy who is alerting the world to “their” plan, with a whole army of devoted listeners and readers, isn’t important enough? I mean, what can one say when faced with such?
Excellent move! How come I never thought of that tact with the Prison Planet woo-woos? After all, it doesn’t do any good to argue about facts or logic with them.
Facts and Logic are tools of the Overlords! They must be resisted at all costs!
It just occurred to me that denializam can work on anyone.
Im not saying AJ is right im saying some may throw out the baby with the bath water because the nanny is crazy.
When is it a conspiracy is valid? when its found out? but then its not conspiracy anymore?
Funny the people in our history that had been arrested for blasphemy or heresy for claiming the world was round and was pronounced crazy..
I think the guys a bit nuts myself but has some valid arguments.
as well as all the people that denounce religion make valid points.. Science is a language as well as religion is and can be used to describe aspects of the spiritual self.. i don’t think they need to be mutually exclusive. Its the bastardization of both for the control and manipulation and exploitation of other people by a few power made sociopaths that has made it aberrant and dangerous to our survival as a people and species..our ignorant arrogant use of technology coupled with religious nutters as to its use has been a recipe for disaster for us all…But technology in itself is not “evil” its use and abuse that IS a form of “evil” when its used in the way i described. to oppress and exploit and strip from some to give to others wielding the power of the technology.
I believe there is a clear “them” in positions of power in our world that use their positions to manipulate the system to advance themselves off the backs of others.
we all see it and talk about it and wish it was more in the peoples awareness.. So i don’t like the idea of heavily labeling people as does most right wingnuts in an attempt to demonize people. (IE “liberals” now associated with the criminal elite narrative that seems to have worked wonders on the moron majority)….I realize i just was hypocritical myself calling right wing-nuts what they are…OOOPS
Oh and to answer if Donald trump is a horse?
NO he is a fucktard rich nut case example of EVERYTHING that is currently wrong with the human species..
Chaz, AJ may have “valid” points as you say, but he has no one to blame but himself that gets lost. He is so OTT, he slathers all kinds of hype onto those valid points, thus INvalidating them. His paranoia meter goes up to eleven. And yes, frankly, I’d like to ask again, why do “they” tolerate him?
My guess? “They” are not who HE says they are. The world is run by greedy and unscrupulous people, that can clearly be seen. They are all over the place, and they are doing their work to foment antagonisms because it helps sell weapons systems, etc. Bad, greedy people seem to have a habit of scratching their way to the top of our commerce based society. Why lump them into some ancient cult? Why, because the fascination factor goes up so much higher when you do. People tune in! You become their hero, the brave champion of humanity against the sinister overlords. It’s a great sell, and AJ is making it work.
BTW, after doing a little research, and something to stick in your back pockets if needed…
Trump has always loudly claimed that his casinos are 100% squeaky clean, never any connections with organized crime. He says this a lot.
Not true, it turns out. People he has hired to run his casinos have had ties to the New Jersey mob and Asian organized crime.
Okay, I’m dense. As usual.
This article is suggesting that Trump isn’t seriously thinking of running, but he might be pretending that he is in order to:
– jumpstart the candidacies of OTHER Republicans? What, like the Republican Party was planning on sitting out the ’12 election otherwise?
– look ridiculous so that other, real, candidates like Jeb and Mitch Daniels look better? Like the Republicans don’t have enough crazies ALREADY doing that? (Bachmann, Paul, Palin, Huckabee, etc.) How does joining a crowded line help?
Aren’t Republicans supposed to be allowed to have credible candidates (if indeed Mitch Daniels is one, I don’t know about him)? And shouldn’t it be THEIR responsibility to demonstrate that indeed they ARE credible? What does The Donald have to do with that?
Moreover, how does the Repub party INCREASE its chances of being taken seriously if it fields a freak show primary, with a few non-insane types thrown in for good measure?
I don’t get it.
WTS, the argument also implies that The Donald is capable of acting somewhat altruistically. That is quite a stretch. Even if one assumes it’s a sort of calculated, pragmatic altruism, it still seems very out of character.
I don’t think he’s even that complex.
He seems to operate from the lizard brain only.
Yeah, that too. I have a really hard time picturing him colluding with a bunch of back room GOP “fixers” to participate in something like this.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, let’s remember.
Right with you on all of your points. As you say below, sometimes an egomaniacal media whore is just a egomaniacal media whore.
AdLib – And a ‘cigar’ is just a ‘cigar,’ which in the Donald’s case, is true, regardless….
You guys have strong arguments on this point but — I still think that “the do” is not as stupid as he acts. Well, stupid maybe, but extremely cunning, and capable of and willing to take on any sort of deception. Remember he has managed to build up a fortune a couple times and become a media sensation — unlike all the other dollar-oriented moguls. He knows how to manipulate the media and seriously enjoys doing it. There is a strong possibility that he doesn’t believe all this hogwash he is spouting and is simply manipulating the media — perhaps for fun, perhaps for other reasons. Last week, LO was talking about how Trump doesn’t even TRY to give intelligent answers — he is not taking his own “campaign” seriously. Could be simple arrogance — perhaps, and perhaps not.
As WTS and Kes pointed out, Trump would have to be altruistic, egoless, self-sacrificing, more interested in principle than money and fame, and willingly subservient to far less powerful and wealthy people.
I just don’t see how any of these traits could be attributed to Trump thus I find his motives to be exactly as expected, self-serving and intended to increase his celebrity, power and tv show ratings.
As for whether he believes anything he’s saying, I agree with you, he doesn’t believe any of this crap, it’s just a cynical dog whistle to get media attention and Bagger devotion.
His pandering seems so transparent to me. If the Birthers thought the world was flat, Trump would be saying that right now too, anything to be the star of MSM news channels and whip up the morons and racists in the GOP into supporting him.
Being at the top of the GOP polls gives him power in the media, he knows it and to scum like him, power is all that matters, he’ll say whatever it takes to get it and keep it.
I admit, Adlib, I have trouble seeing Trump as “altruistic, egoless, self-sacrificing, more interested in principle than money and fame, and willingly subservient to far less powerful and wealthy people.” 😆 Seems a little unlikely.
Dear Mr. Trump:
Its me again, your biggest fan, I was at your recent press conference in New York, front row! I was the one in the “Celebrity Apprentices Do It Better” shirt. I waved, but you must not have noticed me. I tried to get your autograph at the rally in Boca Raton last week, but you must have been in a hurry.
Anyway, I’ve been following you around in my brother’s van ever since I saw you at the Marriot Shoals in 2005. We were having a fund-raiser to build our local library, and thanks to the $5000 per plate ticket, we got almost 12% of the funds we needed.
I was captivated by your dazzling smile and even more dazzling brain, and ever since I’ve made it my mission to follow you like an acolyte, learning the Trump way. It’s been difficult without a job to make ends meet but thanks to my disability check and unemployment I’ve been okay.
Things haven’t been easy for you either, declaring bankruptcy four times and seeing your hotels and casinos close must have been difficult. Obviously you need to hire some better employees!
I am very anxious to finally have someone like you teach our country some fiscal discipline. Entitlements are going to be the ruin of our nation. The Trump way of innovation, imagination and guts is what will pull our nation through.
Thank you for exposing the President for the imposter he is. Without your tireless sluething, who knows if we ever would have forced the CIA to forge that birth certificate.
Anyway, time to move the van before I get a ticket. Keep up the good work!
The Lowest Common Denominator
😆 Hilarious!
The only thing that was missing was promising to donate all your Welfare money and food stamps to Trump to help him in his noble cause.
FACT! Hawaii didn’t become a state until 1959!!!
FACT! Obama’s birth certificate says he was born in 1961, TWO YEARS BEFORE Hawaii became a STATE of the U.S.A.!
ERGO……oh wait never mind……
So what comes after the number 3, is it 7?
All this technical stuff about citizenship really confuses me, frankly. Let’s ask Miss Teen South Carolina. She might be able to shed some light on this complicated issue.
Clear As A Bell!
Good Lord, who would have ever thought it was as easy as all that?
Just to be 100% clear, which language was she speaking in?
I think it’s time for my nap, that was too much information for one afternoon. My brain hurts. 😉
See, that’s why she’s my Go-to Gal whenever stuff like this comes up. The best thing, and I find this uncanny, is that the same answer always works, no matter what my question is!
😆 who needs robots?
DAMN! her Mom must be so proud 🙂
BOTH her parents!
😆 Hilarious! Now I will take that nipnap, I’m having way too much fun for my own good, and my computer has just started to hiss.
whats!!!! Hilarious.
That is hilarious, but I think someone lifted that from the ONION.
wts I’m bettin it’s the real thing!!
No one could be That dumb without without Stellar home schooling 🙂
jkk, the original one is real. She really did flub it up like that, and became a kind of celebrity as a result (50 million views on Youtube!). She says she was really nervous. So she’s up there on stage, strutting around, doing the swimsuit competition, beaming on cue, but she gets “nervous” when she gets a softball question thrown at her?
In fairness, I saw her do an interview afterwards, and she seems really cool, willing to laugh at herself.
wts, Yeah, I feel sorry for her every time I see it.
How’s our girl doing?
Kisses on her little pink nose from us!
Where is Edward R Morrow? We have a type of McCarthyism growing again. Where is the news? Instead of stopping, they assist Trump? He is laughing at us all. He made our President do something no other news, birther, GOP or anyone else could do. How do we come to this? How do we lose the purpose of the discussion to a minor point? How do we all get so lost? The point is not to prove it. The point is why are they asking? That is the penetrating question. That is the debate we are not having. The big picture. The GOP leads the discussion all the time because we get caught defending rather than questioning the premise.
Sorry, the rant got to me, but I think the question is still valid: why do we run to defending their attacks instead of questioning the attack itself? Why not put it in their field for a while?
The MSM is owned by a half dozen giant corporations that represent the Top 400 families. They have no interest in sharing with you little people. They plan to take it all for themselves.
Exactly fc, I f you listen his short presser, he wasn’t so much admonishing the birthers as much as he was telling the press WTF, why are you guys even covering this crap, we have serious things that you can discuss. All that went right over their heads and they were back on the birther story.
They couldn’t even have the intelligence to know when they just got scolded.
Good on MSNBC for calling out The Donald and Ms. Taitz. MORE important, they called out NBC and CNN for covering this BS and for letting The Donald blather on without noting whether or not he is renewing his entertainment program which means NO, he is not running for Prez.
That the CNN reporter in the White House briefing should keep up this drumbeat of stupidity puts CNN into the wingnut camp. I realize they are hard pressed for news (since covering real news is hard, doncha know) but honestly – grow UP!
We do have good commentators, a la Murrow, but they are NOT on mainstream news. Every day I become more impressed by LO – he does at lower volume what KO started but became too hyper to finish. Cool dispassion works. Fervid hype undermines the message, and that’s where KO breaks down. LO was right to get angry with Ms. Taitz who would NOT answer the question but now has some drumbeat on President Obama’s selective service Social Security number. Now how would she GET those records which are not public? Well the old-fashioned way – fake ’em.
And shame on Oprah for asking Obama why “it took you so long” to “produce your papers, BOY.” She just validated Jim Crow and apartheid standards for Black men. That alone was as disgusting as anything Taitz and her ilk have demanded.
Let us agree that if this is the new standard that everyone, including The Donald will have to comply. The Donald’s mother was not a US citizen at the time of her marriage to Trump’s father – she was 18 and came from Scotland. Was she legally present? Was she ever a US citizen or a citizen when The Donald was born? And where are HIS records concerning military service during Vietnam? Did he use his father’s influence to evade the draft? Ask questions of a sitting president, you should be able to answer them yourself.
This racist BS is beyond disgusting. It is powerfully dangerous, and Trump needs to be called out on it. Thank God MSNBC and some others are beginning to do this openly. Only willingness to state that Trump’s motives are entirely racist will end this garbage. HE is playing the race card, not his critics. The truth shall set us free.
I just finished watching The Last Word with Orly Taits. BRAVO, BRAVO Mr. Lawrence. He handled that exactly the way people like Taits should be handled. I would love to see more of these crazy people treated in the same manor. Answer my question or get off of my show. I really hope this becomes a trend in American broadcast journalism. Once again, BRAVO Mr. Lawrence!
KT–I most appreciated LO’s intro: “For the first AND LAST TIME EVER on this show–Orly Taits.” Paraphrasing, of course.
His fearless take down of NBC programming executives tonight and over the last few nights indicates to me he’d really really like to lose his job over a righteous cause.
It’s quite nice, and rather rare these days to see strength of convictions on national television.
Marian – I always love your passion. I don’t know if they’re making way for Mitch Daniels but being from Indiana, I’m warning you be very afraid. Today we are the first state that is considering stopping all funds to Planned Parenthood on our own. Mitch is actually not as socially conservative as those he has around him like Mike Pence, but he has privatized anything he can get his hands on in this state, rented our toll road to another country, tried to privatize Medicaid which didn’t work and we’re still paying that back. He took away our unions rights’ about five years ago, so he’s really ahead of the game. He doesn’t have much charisma but he works hard and his ratings are high in Indiana. The gossip around here is that his wife doesn’t want him to run.
Trump is a CHARLATAN, plain and simple.
The “charges” put forth by the “birthers” have been categorically answered ad nauseam to the satisfaction of all reasonable people… and however many times that the unreasonable try to deny it, the prime motivations behind this concocted “controversy”, is this;
If President Obama was exactly the same man…
If President Obama had exactly the same credentials…
If President Obama had exactly the same documentation..
… but was WHITE instead of BLACK…
There would never have been a “birther” movement to begin with.
There are many genuine problems facing the United States that need serious attention, and to spend even a nanosecond acquiescing to the vapid demands put forth by a cadre of crackpots is giving them credence that they don’t deserve.
A simple rule of thumb in this instance is to “ignore the ignorant”… they might not go away, but they should never be allowed to control the agenda.
I think Donald is a STRUMPET. He’s Trumposterous. But, the larger question here has nothing to do with Trump. The larger question to be asked is why this has gone so far without any attack on the Birthers? Frozen Face from AZ has given grace to ending this subject. But we are talking about Obama and Trump (argh) rather than talking about why. We are being hood winked at this very moment. The issue is the persistent attack on an elected president—just as they did with Clinton, although Obama does not have smoke near him as did Clinton.
The message of the media is so immediate and toxic that we all run to it instead of question it. The next march should be on the media.
foodchain–“The next march should be on the media.” YES! The media, following Fox’s “Fair & Balanced” bullshit lead is leading us right down the road to wrong. I could give a shit about “fair and balanced.” We need rigorous and probing investigative reporting. Without it, we are where we are. It IS Trumposterous.
(Style points also for “strumpet.”)
Fun piece in “The Smoking Gun”…
If you were watching Rachel and her piece on Goldie Taylor’s “Show me your Papers”
I’m not allowed to watch it in my location. Could you please ring and ask them if I have to move off my sofa, or just move a bit to the right or left of my screen? Thanks!
Kalima, while not as good as watching it, I think she added some in the video, you can see her remarks by clicking the link.
Thanks bito, I really DO feel like such an outsider when they do this to me. I’m on my way to watch. 🙂
They have excommunicated me there too bito, no problem, I might get lucky somewhere else. *Sulksinacorner*
Kalima, that is strange, wonder why?
I’m a pinko-commie, no that can’t be right.
There was a time a few years ago when during a CNN international news broadcast, my screen would suddenly go black and have a huge red X on it. For awhile I thought that I had been watching an X-rated film and had forgotten to turn it off. Turns out it was some dumb copyright thing about a story I could watch at any time on the Japanese news. Makes no sense to me.
Been cruising around the interwebs, and now I see it’s all about proper notorization and the lack of a “proper” seal on the birth certificate…
OK, then!
I demand to see theirs, I feel like wasting time nitpicking this morning. Don’t these people ever work for a living, they seem to be chained to their computers and must pee in an empty beer can.
Kalima – this subject has always been a laugh to me anyway, simply because of the ‘dog that didn’t bark.’
Has no one ever heard of “opposition research?” When there is a viable candidate for any national office, and even state offices, the opposition ALWAYS does research on the candidate, looking to dig up dirt and bad stuff, or even anything that can be spun.
When President Obama became the Democratic candidate, does anyone think that the Republicans, as virulent as they are, didn’t do that research? Did they simply miss this little point?
This whole thing is, and always had been, utter nonsense, given how people are elected these days.
PW of course they left no stone unturned in their rabid attempt in 08 to find someone to down him with. This is just trying to blow smoke up the rectum of 2012 voters. I hope they wake up or invest in chain mail underpants before next year, although some just love being led around the yard by their nose rings I’m sure.
Kalima: Gave me a good laugh on that. This is such an infuriating issue, like a rally bad discussion with an angry child but there are no adults in the room. We are outside the “fishbowl” and can jump up and down but we can’t stop them. BTW, hoping for better and better and sunny and warmer.
I know fc, WHO are these people?
I’m scared to death to read any more for fear of catching something from them.
Thank you so much for your good wishes. The sunny and warmer has come to pass, but the downside is that it makes me sleepy. One more cat to feed. 🙂
Cherish them. I’ve had such great pets–hence foodchain (we had so many pets we had a —) They all have passed on from old age. So many great memories. I have no muddy feet or hair for a while! 😉
Oh I do fc, I still have 15 of them, I was talking about my sleepiness, and joining them for naps. I call my hubby the “big cat” because he can sleep just about anywhere.
Kalima: what a smile I have on my face! Just a terrific image. You are fortunate even in this difficulty.
Yes I am fortunate in so many ways, and I’m glad that this brought a smile to your face. If I suddenly nod off and accomplish nothing else today, it will have been quite worth it. 😀
Hookay, fair is fair.
Donald Trump if you want to run for president, let’s see ALL your financials … your tax returns, your bankruptcy proceedings, your divorce proceedings, all of it. After all, there’s some “legitimate” questions out there.
Sarah Palin, if you want to run for president, let’s see ALL your medical records. PROVE to us you were actually born in the United States, PROVE Trig is really your baby.
Michelle Bachmann, show us your financials on how your family received farm subsidies from the federal government to the tune of $250,000.
How do you like it, Republicans?
C’mon, Kalima, they use quart Mason jars to pee in, beer cans don’t hold enough. 😉
I’ve only ever had to do it in plastic cups, and it is always a disaster. What a thought, I hope that they do it in a straight line, I’d hate to see the state of their carpets. Shudder. 😯
I demand The Donald show us HIS long form birth certificate.
NY doesn’t issue them.
Then I want The Donald to show proof of his ever having gone to college at all.
And then a CAT scan to prove he is alive under that hair and has a brain.
I created a bogus one for Orly Tate I posted here…if I have time tomorrow…
Personally, The only things I want from Donald Trump are:
B. Absence
Other than that.. he can do whatever he does. I can avoid them.
I think he needs to clean, shampoo or rethink his rug. It sure looks moth eaten and wayward in the last few links I left on MB about his fights with Seinfeld and De Niro. Oh and stop with the old fashioned, orange tinted Max Factor pancake make up, he looks quite “alien” for a “white” man
Forgive me, I was just trying to see how it feels to be as ridiculous as he is. :).