Hey Kids! Did you get your Super User badge yet? You can redeem your Networker tickets for cheap plastic toys at the Redemption Booth!!! And you can earn more tickets playing Whack A Troll!!! Weeeeeeeeee!!!! Blogging time is fun time!!!
Have you checked out HuffPo’s new comment system upgrade? If you haven’t, just imagine the arcade at a miniature golf course and you’ll get the idea.
That’s not to say that they didn’t make some improvements. As many of us suggested a long time ago, they are providing a structure of community moderating which is a good thing. Still, HuffPo has been morphing into a neon-flashing, distraction littered, Chuck E. Cheese-styled “playground” for some time and it has all now come to fruition.
Badges and colors and categories are applied to users. The fanning led to a class system and cliques over there but this latest application of a variety classes, IMO, turns HuffPo into even more of a High School campus than before. IMO, it trivializes so much about blogging and sets up fertile ground for a greater degree of cliques and egos.
BTW, if you link to their Facebook page, you get your comments highlighted in purple! So, if you are a troll with only hate to offer, as long as you help HuffPo’s bottom line by linking to their Facebook page, your comment is highlighted and a reasoned comment from a good blogger isn’t.
What a circus HP has become, a parody of itself. Instead of the site encouraging discussion on issues, it continues to make the focus on the social standing and relations of its bloggers.
I think HP learned very well that many people there are addicted to the Chuck E. Cheese aspect of getting “tickets” and “points”, they love accumulating “fans”. Some people over there are more interested in getting more fans than any issue that could be discussed. So this latest cornucopia of badges will be, IMO, a goldmine for HP in addicting many of the same people and more to competing on who can get the coolest badges. And if that’s not what blogging’s about, my name isn’t Dave or Buster.
As for me, I think blogging should be about substantive conversations on issues that matter. I don’t think that elevating some bloggers above others is Progressive, constructive or mature. I don’t think that turning blogging into a game of Skee-Ball where you can win badges is a step forward.
For me, when it comes to blogging, I don’t need no stinkin’ badges.
Oh, this just keeps getting more bizarre.
Now, I have a *counter* telling me how many HP accounts I’ve had banned.
Apparently, since Nov. 2009, I’ve gotten 377 accounts banned — about 350 belonging to one guy, I’m guessing.
I don’t have that. You must really be part of the regime now! Hehe.
This is surreal. What is means is that people who are Level One moderators can see how many more people they need to get snuffed to move up to Level Two.
No motivation there to play games!
I have the level 1 moderator button (back after opting out yesterday) but don’t see that tally that you’re talking about.
I’m spatial.
I haven’t seen that yet, but tonight is the first night I’ve been back.
I enjoyed my first deletion though!
Power trip! 😆
I was already a level two, but if it rewards good behavior…
Like I say, most the bells and whistles are ridiculous, and the gaming aspect too, but…
I have apparently banned 380 accounts total.
I’m guessing about 350 belonged to one guy — You Know Who.
That’s who I figured. I should have quite a tally too.
Oh Darn It! I’m not eligible for a badge. I don’t do facebook.
I did the same thing yesterday, Boomer. I have a feeling that pretty soon, it’ll be a “badge” of honor NOT to have any badges.
That’s already happening. A whole slew of people got rid of theirs.
What I hope doesn’t happen, and I was already starting to see it happen, is open hostility toward the individuals who choose to keep theirs.
The thing is, the badge system is inherently divisive. I liked the idea that responsible posters could have more power in flagging, but I did not want to be publicly named as a moderator. I will not be hostile to those who keep their badges, but others are. So, what is their motivation for the badges? I think they wanted divisivness. Divide and conquer is an age-old strategy. I think maybe they also wanted to maybe break up cliques?
Cher, I agree – I think Huff has been flagrant about wanting those extra ‘clicks’ –
I think that’s at the bottom of this badge system, to create a stir, controversy & divisiveness –
Anybody who’s got any class will not want to participate in Huff’s manipulative tactics IMO –
Yup, it’s a better idea to handle it privately.
Yes, I’ve seen the word “snitch” thrown around.
I did as well and they went away, but they were back this morning!
Same here, E’cat. When I first checked this morning, the badges were gone. Now they’re back. Whatever.
Okay so it’s not just me. I have to admit, from a sociological standpoint it’s all interesting to me.
I second that.
I often find such things interesting on a totally different level than intended.
Boomer, you rock! Hey, BTW, did you get my email?
Mystery solved
It was Arianna in that Chucky costume.
Now I know how she got her start.
Funny, I thought she was the big cheese.
AdLib – that’s what she is NOW, but she started as a clump of curds. Have to EARN the Big Cheese position – or buy it.
Did you see the print news item that she’s moving AWAY from any image as a left-liberal blog to be more “mainstream” news oriented? Since mainstream today is capitulating to the corporate and conservative mind set, we now have our answer to why HuffPo is no longer very useful to us.
And I agree with boomer et al. that I am an adult and do not need or want “badges”. Gave up Girl Scouts quite a long time ago. Never HAVE been to a Chuck E. Cheese.
No, she just cuts the cheese 😀
Lise– excellent! 😆
There are three badges: the Foosball Badge, the Hendrix playing “The Star Spangled Banner” at Woodstock Badge, and the Superhero Grabbing His Crotch Badge. I have no idea what they’re good for, but the Hendrix one is the coolest looking.
Hmm. I have a badge for Animal Husbandry and Knot Tying.
Not in that order, of course. You have to “tie the knot” before you can become an animal’s husband.
If I had a dime for everytime my wife has had to say, “That’s no animal, that’s my husband.”
Tell me about it! I live in Japan, remember? The question often asked in my presence is, “Does he bite?”
Funny, what my wife hears most is, “Can you get him to release my arm from his jaws?”
yes, yes! In Japanese, it’s “watashi no ude wo hanishite hoshi! Onegaishimasu!” I get that all the time.
I am a “Huffpost Community Moderator”.
I don’t care about the rest, and lord help me – I’ve linked to three very specific stories on Facebook, but a purple one would not be a badge of pride.
But, gosh, sue me. I sorta like that they are recognizing those whom flag responsibly. I haven’t tested my supposed deletion powers yet.
I haven’t checked e-mail for a while, so didn’t know about the opt-out. I’ll ride this one out to see how it goes.
But, “the follow this poster on twitter” had me gag.
I agree, it’s a lot of flashy neon that just ties up my computer and is super annoying and tacky.
But, I treat a poster the same whether they are new or not, and, having never fished for fans, sorta take it as a gauge of my thoughtfulness in some small part – like, I see a new fan often after leaving a comment on Iran.
Although, being part of the accepted crowd has most definitely contributed a great part. And many do lord over others with their fan tally.
I created an email address for that moniker only & didn’t keep the log-in info, damn it !
Hope you recognize that my issues are with the environment they set up there, not with the good citizen bloggers there.
I agree with you that it is nice to be recognized for making a lot of contributions and as I’ve mentioned, I suggested to them multiple times that they should allow responsible members of the community to help moderate.
However, I don’t think this is a thoughtful way to do it. Anonymity is the smartest way, by putting badges on a segment of members, different classes of bloggers are created and as has already been the case, causes some to be elitists and others to resent them and initiate conflicts.
Blogs can be a messy business, lots of people’s feelings to consider, I don’t think this was very well thought out.
Totally understood. I could do without the hassle of being called a snitch. I don’t want the comment to come that he’s just working for the next level by being a Stasi.
Yeah, sorry to take it kinda personally, ’cause I totally do see the consequences of the needless bling in those more prone to flashy objects.
Also, it can turn good people bad.
The idea struck me as very Republican.
Very elitist, very very cliquey, Republican, vain, arrogant etc. etc. Yep !
Or maybe some kind of Eagle Scout came up with it. It’s just plain weird.
Update : At Huff, it’s getting many ANTI votes – even from those with multi-badges –
Let’s see if they really mean it by emailing their request to opt out. It’ll be interesting.
Yes, it’s interesting. I opted out this morning and got rid of my “badgers.” Most people still seem to have them even while they complain. I also was a bit surprised to see one long-time poster get a bit puffed up about the whole thing. Weird!!
There’s anger all around. Some of it justified.
But, that being said, It is REALLY funny reading all the whiny posts from the trolls, because almost none of them have any moderation powers. Only one that I know of.
Hi, all.
I’m going to post to Huff… we’ll see if I get deleted (again)
Hi, AuntieC !!
You got 2-badge status there at Huff I see ! 😉
Do you dole out free burgers ?
LOL… flippin burgers?
mmmmm…. burgers……
I’ve flagged racists and predators – never to any overt extent though in all the years I’ve had my account.
…but… damn it, I AM hungry for that burger!
You must be in marketing? 😉
LOL – into marketing, yes, but not when it comes to burgers, oh noooo –
Just hungry too !
See? You’re good.
Big hug because it’s good to see you 😉
Yeah but I bet you always thought your flags were anonymous. I have no problem with flagging trolls, racists and predators (aren’t they all the same people anyway) but I digress. It just seems like HP broke a trust with their users on the “community moderator” thingy.
AC cheers for the shameless plug last night. I saw you plug the Planet when reading through the comments.
It got yanked in no time, so I did a screenshot before I did the next refresh — because I KNEW it wouldn’t last.
Wow I was luck to catch it then. The walls have eyes over there don’t you know.
Hey Auntie C! Good to see you. I just read the FAQ’s and AH’s column about this:
“Of course, if you don’t want to participate in HuffPost Badges, you can easily opt-out by sending an email to badges@huffingtonpost.com. Be sure to send your email from the email address you used to register your HuffPost account, and include your username.”
I just did that.
I love that. I’ll bet you influenced other people.
Hey AC!
Loved the post and the graphic!
Never forget, with great power comes great badges.
Fabulous, feisty & hilarious !!! My kind of recipe ….!
I think it’s a social experiment. Someone’s going for a post-doc.
Post-yuck, methinks 😉
Actually I think HP social scene would make a very interesting research project!
Hey, I said that about a dozen times!
At this pivotal moment, I’d ask that everyone give me a :worship: / :bow: smiley – cause I need to know how incredibly reveled (no!, not revolting) I am –

All those carnival bells and whistles gave me a seizure and since I’m a nobody, I was left for dead on the side of the thread.
Big mistake. Stupid as that “forum/smilies” fiasco at FRT.
I saw one member there today joke, “Flagged! I’ve got to keep flagging if I want to get my Community Monitor badge!”
So, the incentive has been set up to censor people, that can help you get your badges there.
Huge mistake, giving people incentives to censor each other? Oh wait, it’s HP, I got them confused with a site that’s about freedom of expression, my bad.
Yes comrade Adlib we have eyes all over the place.
The Huffington Penitentiary.
Can we swap badges for cigarettes?
I reported your comment by mistake and lost my comment.
Too many rum bon bons.
😀 😉 😎
I could not resist.
Whew – it felt like a virtual smiley desert here for a while 😀
Q – I hope you’re kidding –
Truthfully ? If I got any more stoopid badges than anyone else, I’d ask them to remove them – it’s all so silly !
& ditto re : the OTT smileys, esp. the overuse of :3 hugs: & the :worship: one for mediocre, random statements ? – ugh !
Sounds like that was something worth missing. I never hung out over on FRT but heard a lot about it.
I don’t want to badmouth any 1 individual, but the site lost something ‘real’ for me, became like automatons-on-parade …..
They have those at HP?
Ooop, I meant kidding that it bothered you – having no badge is a good thing IMO –
Someone just posted this at HP:
LOLOL ! That’s hilarious !
Personally I have an aversion to the woman – a gut feeling that she’s phony & self-serving ….& that voice gives Sarah’s shrill a run for her money –
I agree, there is a kinship between Arianna and Palin, they share the same opportunism and lack of concrete principles.
And as you say, a voice that only a masochist could love.
Just logged on to Huff – it’s very weird, the new format –
It feels the way Arizona must feel nowadays – like a police-state ….
Isn’t it a bit intimidating to see “HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR” in big font above comments? And the user’s name you have to search for.
It’s like seeing armed guards inside your regular supermarket, “It’s okay, I’m just another shopper like you.”
Any bets on how long this will last in its current form at HP?
It feels oppressive & very heavy –
Don’t think it will last, but with Huff, nothing would surprise me ….
AdLib – your ability to use imagery when you write & your easy access to the crux of issues qualifies you as a very gifted writer.
I’ve felt that for a long time –
Do you write professionally ? & if not, you should ….
I have spoken 😉
Lise, you are so kind!
You might be onto something… 😉
AdLib :
I am on to something –
& I really mean it –
Thanks so much, Lise! It’s very appreciated!
I agree. That big giant title way overwhelms the commenter’s name.
Someone posted this earlier:
Ohhh, that’s so funny !!
Strangely addicting….
LOL – I found myself saying : Please make it stop !!
& then realized I could stop it, but kept it in my bookmarks in the Chinese Water Torture Dept. 😀
LOL. Me too! I could only listen for a minute or so then stopped it. But I bookmarked it and kept repeating it in my head!! “Badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers….mushrooms!” 😆 I don’t even know why it’s funny!
:rofl: – dunno, but it IS funny as hell –
I just opened that up (with headphones) and was quite embarrassed to start hysterically laughing in this hotel lobby.
Why is that so hilarious!? It just IS!
This is not as funny, but it evokes the same horrified obsession in me: Charlie the Unicorn
😆 That is hilarious too — and I have no idea why. Maybe it appeals to those of us who did too many hallucinogenics in our wild youths?
I’ve seen that before, but I can’t remember when or where.
I want a PlanetPOV badge …..NOW ! I want special status !!

wahhhh (soooo kidding)
Okay. You’re PlanetPOV Milk Monitor!
((oh, goody))
There. All calm now.
I’ll give you a pass to post about anything you want. You can even post with over 250 words, pictures and videos. They may have access to the “kiddy pool” there but here you get to relax with only adults in our “adult swim”.
BTW “adult swims” in our community pool growing up were awesome. I could not wait to turn 18 (as he shows his age). You were able to BYOB, play volleyball, swim and they even had rock bands. We lived about 250 meters away from the pool and a couple parks so we could hear the music on our front porch even when I was too young to go. I’m sure all that is gone now but great memories.
As I swing on my porch swing 😉 : yes, those were the days alright –
I can remember late, late night skating in Quebec on natural frozen ponds, when it was SAFE for kids to be out ’til all hours for a special night under the stars ….
We just can’t get enough of the Badges Line!
When my kids were little they were terrified of that big live
Chucky that walks around the place!
I still am! Giant rat! AAAAH!!!
Milk Monitor to the rescue –
Have a big glass of warm milk & think ONLY of fairies & cute bunnies.
That’s okay – think nothing of it, just doin’ my job 😀
Thanks, I needed that.
Whoops…I’m lactose intolerant!!! AAAH!!!
LOL ! – Oooops, Milk Monitor screws up !
I meant to say : Lactaid !
….my bad !!!
Ah!! That’s better.
But I’m Lactaid Intolerant! I have no patience for it whatsoever!
Out, damn Lactaid!
Oyyyy, I may have talked myself out of a job –
PLEASE ! don’t take away my Milk Badge !!!
Can we talk chocolate ?
Absolutely, we can not only talk chocolate, I have made chocolate PlanetPOV badges that we can wear and eat!
I’d advise not wearing a light colored shirt if you’re going to wear it though.
I’m going to Chuck E. Cheese tonight, & getting a badge, that’s all there is to it !
I hear they’re hosting HP Blogging Parties there now!
You get to blog wearing your HP Arianna Crown and get in fights with right wingers over what kind of pizza to order.
Is the link nearby?
HAHAhaha !! 😀
LOL ! – yeah, okay, sounds pretty good so far 😀 ….but trolls !, are there some really gross trolls to smack ?
A total coincidence but I couldn’t resist.
I could have used a quote from another movie I suppose:
“The horror. The horror.”