Okay, give me some wiggle room on this one but here is a concept that just came to mind and I could use some help.
Did or did not Sarah Palin violate the terms and conditions of usage at Facebook by her recent postings? Is inciting violence a violation of the Facebook rules? My gut feeling is that she has indeed gone past the boundary most of the rest of us would be held to. My gut is also telling me that it would hardly take any spinning at all to form this argument into a petition to remove Palin’s Facebook page that Facebook would be compelled to honor.
Something here or am I just indulging myself with deluded thinking ?
If we can get her page removed (just imagine the . . . ) Okay, I caught you guys smiling. Good no?
What do we do next? Ideas? Feedback?
That gives me flashbacks! I can’t watch it. 😆
This is just a bit off topic – topic of Palin’s Facebook page. However, I thought out of consideration I’d confine Palinism to this thread and not begin littering the POV site with additional Palin posts.
I was going to post a link to a video I made about Palin but when I got to YouTube I found this clip and began to watch it. I will just say that I was glad I hadn’t had breakfast yet.
Hang in there.
‘The state she governed, is right across the street from Russia” LOL
Besides that guy, was one blonde who sounded just like her.
Good call. But too late for me, Vitup– I just littered!
You can’t reach these people with facts.
How true.
Have the facts
AND the emotional argument
AND the Bumper Sticker
Ready to go
“She’s for us Americans, not the ‘other’ people.”
Summed up.
I hope this is catching on ….. Spread the news
From Facebook
Ok, I logged onto Facebook and saw so many of her notes there, which one should I read, I certainly have no patience to read through all of her waffling. If you have the name of her inciting violence posts, please let me know and I will report it/them. Please don’t make me read through them all, I beg you!! *sobs*
Thanks Khirad, I just submitted an abuse of terms of condition and use of Facebook form.
The worst thing that could happen to Sarah is to be ignored.
Not a member of facebook, but it does sound as though she should be reported for abuse of their TOS.
I doubt facebook will take heed though and treat her as they do normal members, because she is Sarah Palin after all, and they must make a lot of money off of her.
I’m game
Oh oh,
I better not say that,
she will shoot me from a helicopter.
It’s OK – we’ll run alongside screaming “It’s PATSY, not BAMBI!” Of course she probably considers us fair game, too.
As long as you stay away from ANWAR too or she might commence drill baby drill near your tent.
There is a button on the left side of her page and you can report the comment as inappropriate content for facebook. I did it yesterday. Here is the page on the left side at the bottom is the “report page” button
I am not a member of Facebook and I don’t want to be – been there done that. I don’t imagine much would happen by reporting her page via Facebook. After all – she drives a lot of business their way. I am thinking it has to be brought to them outside of their immediate domain and sphere of influence.
I don’t know for sure. What do you think Facebook might be inclined to do?
They are like any other media, if they get enough complaints they will take down a page. I used my daughter’s logon to report the page. It will not do much good, but I did make the gesture.
Did it! Thanks for the tip!
Thanks, Sue! That was easy. I hope it makes a dent. Enough little dents and that gorgeous femme fatale pictured above may be seriously dinged. (We already know she’s dingy.)
Vitupe, I was so fixated on that amazing Palin pic for a while that I couldn’t process the content of your article. Whew.
Now. Yes, I think you may be on to something! It’s worth a try, isn’t it?
That’s what I was thinking – it’s worth a try.
Yes, Vitupe – where DID you get that photo? I did not know botox allowed your face to move that much. Sure a different look from the Happy Homemaker guise she offers the public!
I don’t remember where exactly I got it – it was a photo I found doing a Google Images search.
I was putting together a video of Palin. I posted the video at Huffpo when I had it finished under the moniker Jellinek.
Here’s the video:
Is this what you mean?
I think that is right on target
So to speak…