Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Wisconsin, what does it really mean? Well said. Yes, they probably could be seen that way. All that does is further explain why they want to bust the working person Union. In their mind this is a war. Union against Union. We just need to make sure their Union doesn’t win. » Posted By ghostrider On February 25, 2011 @ 7:07 pm Oh ya GOD, I left this out of my earlier comment. You are definetily a geek. How else could you come up with the platypus? » Posted By ghostrider On February 19, 2011 @ 8:14 pm Oh GOD, you made me laugh. I so needed the laugh. And of course Mary Ann is hotter any geek knows that 😉 » Posted By ghostrider On February 19, 2011 @ 6:15 pm First off I have to say I enjoy your graphic. I am a big fan of M. C. Escher and have been for probably 40 years. But to your questions/points. 2006 was a distinctive rebellion against what Bush/Cheney and Rove were doing to our Country. People finally realized that were were being lead down a path that this country never should have started. Kind of a “Dark Side” of things. Thus the 2008 Presidential election wasn’t really hard to imagine. McCain/Palin offered nothing really different than what the previous administration gave us and lets face it … Palin was actually scary. Most people couldn’t imagine her being a heart beat away from taking over. Even Republicans. As for 2010, I think we screwed ourselves. The people that should have voted didn’t. They became dissillusioned because O’Bama seemed to be siding with the corporations. He seemed to be siding with the ultra rich. They didn’t think they had anybody to vote for in that election. While I felt the same I still voted. And I am now stuck with idiots in my state government. But, I haven’t given up. I think once the people see what these kinds of legislatures will give them the people will once again stand up and say go away. You don’t represent us. I found this interesting: “If you slide a fixed measure to the right on a scale do you gain anything or simply move the measure to the right?” A fixed measure can’t be changed, so if you slide it right you have distorted what it actually stands for/represents. Unless of course I misunderstood what you were trying to get across. “What do the American people want from their elected officials( apart from undefinable single word issues “solutions” or “civility”)?” I can’t and won’t speak for the American people, I can only speak for myself. To this question I say the following: I want fairnes in taxes, cost and what every individual contributes to society based on what they are capable of providing. I want to retire into a comfortable life after working for 50 years and helping to make the government and the elite many dollars. I want adequite medical care that I have been paying into for the same 50 years. I want to be safe in my home and where I live. I have paid thousands of dollars to my government. I have worked untold hours for my corporate masters and helped them make unknown millions or billions of dollars. All I am looking for is a little piece of what my hard work helped to generate. – Depends on what you mean. Should the DNC start loudly proclaiming the good they have done? Should they start attacking the GOP falsehoods and lies? Yes they should and I don’t understand why they don’t. Should they use the same underhanded lying tactics the GOP uses? NO! They should show they are above that and better than those kinds of strategy. Yes, I think critique is a valuable tool as long as it is read. As long as enough people see it. I know people think that the extreme left and the extreme right can’t have their opinions changed, but I disagree. I believe if you can get someone to actually listen to your arguments and those arguments make sense you can get a person to begin to think about something they may not have thought about in the past. Good ole Mr Beale, I find it interesting that IBM was the first company in your list. IBM does everything it can to stay out of the spotlight while being one of the worst abusers of global corpocracy. In closing I grab your closing: “One vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock. All necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.” Isn’t that we all thought we would get when we bought into what the overlords told us? Too bad all we did was make sure they received it and we got the crumbs » Posted By ghostrider On February 19, 2011 @ 7:11 pm The American people have Spoken … Maybe Thanks for the laugh. Took me a sec to get what you meant 😀 » Posted By ghostrider On February 14, 2011 @ 7:04 pm Hey 2belinda, I think I recognize your avatar from HP. Good to see so many HP’ers here. » Posted By ghostrider On February 13, 2011 @ 6:42 pm You’re right. I figure within a year they will be so caught up in the money they can make they will completely forget their so called TP agenda. » Posted By ghostrider On February 13, 2011 @ 6:41 pm Yes, you need to look at all the issues, not just pick the one that you are most passionate about. That is exactly how the Republicans get votes against Abortion rights, or entitlements or gun laws just to name a few. The Tea Party people and the extreme right vote on single issues instead of looking at the overall standing of the candidate they are voting for. » Posted By ghostrider On February 13, 2011 @ 6:40 pm Exactly. That is a big part of the problem. » Posted By ghostrider On February 13, 2011 @ 6:36 pm Good article Zoot. I know your avatar well from HP. Of all the points in your article the one that struck me the most was the “…. as are complaints about moderation.” Talk about total censorship. When you remove any comments that speak out about the organization that is hosting articles or the way they handle their comment sections it is nothing more than censorship. It is actually blatant censorship. As for the entertainment thing versus the political commentary, guess I was duped. I mostly went there for the political stuff. » Posted By ghostrider On February 13, 2011 @ 5:56 pm Killgore, you stated what I was thinking perfectly. The only thing I would add is that I don’t believe their is a single media outlet left that reports facts anymore. They are all polluted by opinion. And yes, I too am a Heinlein fan. Have read all of his books over and over again. » Posted By ghostrider On February 13, 2011 @ 6:23 pm You are so right Zoot. It is that blind belief that has given us the airports that we currently have, and the abuse of our 4th amendment rights. It amazes me everyday when I hear people say they feel safer because they are being x-rayed and groped at the airport. Little do they realize all of those precautions only inconvenience them. As they say locks only keep the honest people out. » Posted By ghostrider On February 14, 2011 @ 7:20 pm The State of Education in America Your right. I probably should have left the inner city part out of my statement. I guess I chose that because that is all you hear about. I know that there are rural areas that suffer from poor quality schools and I was not excluding them from consideration. The point was more about the ability to compete than about where the underfunded school is located. It doesn’t matter where the school is, the substance is that a graduate from an underfunded school and a graduate of an elite private school are not on the same page. Therefore they do not have equal opportunities in this country. That was the whole point of my statement. » Posted By ghostrider On February 12, 2011 @ 12:03 pm Thanks for the corrections. I had always thought ancient Persia pretty much encompassed the entire region we now call the Middle east including India. Didn’t realize it was restricted to just the region that is called India today. I knew I was cutting my self short with the 100,000 years but it was more about the point than trying to be accurate with my numbers. » Posted By ghostrider On February 10, 2011 @ 5:57 am Thanks Liberal Arts, didn’t even think about those since I myself have a science degree, but there was a time when liberal arts received an undeserved bad reputation. It was like they weren’t really a valid direction of study. That’s too bad because every degree deserves a little bit of liberal arts to be included. I wouldn’t be writing here today if it wasn’t for one of the English teachers I had in college. » Posted By ghostrider On February 9, 2011 @ 4:18 pm Thx Silent From the NewsHounds’ article it looks like it might have been Mansfield Texas. » Posted By ghostrider On February 9, 2011 @ 3:42 pm Yes, there were so many avenues I could have gone off on, but I really had to hold down my urge to digress and go off on a multitude of tangents. » Posted By ghostrider On February 9, 2011 @ 3:12 pm I am so glad you are able to provide your grandson an education from the private system. Hopefully this will mean he has a fighting chance in the future. » Posted By ghostrider On February 9, 2011 @ 3:10 pm Thank you Abby. Social studies has always been an interesting thing to me. I always got a kick out of how the continents that were on and below the equator were depicted as being smaller than they actually are in comparison to the northern hemisphere. Guess I should have said Geography not Social Studies. oops 🙂 » Posted By ghostrider On February 9, 2011 @ 3:08 pm An Easy Guide to Global Warming: What Is Global Warming? I liked your opening. “When you think of Global Warming, do you imagine receding glaciers and ice-caps and nod gravely, or do you glance out your window at falling snow and laugh derisively?” I wish they had never called it Global Warming and had gone with Climate Change from the get go. You know all the naysayers are out there saying what global warming? Haven’t you seen the snow? Unfortunately they have been brain washed to believe that all that snow and cold weather is not actually a symptom of the over all problem. I have been in GA for 25 years, this past winter has been on of our worst. Low temperatures, 3 snow storms with one that left snow on the ground for 7 days because of the temperatures. In all the years I have been here I have never seen snow stick around like that before. And that include the blizzard of ’93 when we received 10 inches of snow and 3 days later it was pretty much gone. We need to find another way to educate the people about this problem, especially since the Republicans want to gut the EPA and take away their power. » Posted By ghostrider On February 9, 2011 @ 5:12 pm yes, it was a joke. And all we hear about is how the Pres didn’t wear a tie. Really? Really? is that the best they can do? » Posted By ghostrider On February 9, 2011 @ 4:40 pm How Will America Truly Recover From the Economic Collapse? Very well said. It is amazing to me that the Government’s answers for dealing with the debt is to continue to reduce the money coming in by providing tax breaks to people and corporations that don’t need it. Then cut social programs, education and health care while increasing Military spending and corporate subsidies. Meanwhile, the number of unemployed/underemployed is increasing, despite what they tell us about the numbers. Homeless numbers are increasing, foreclosures are rampant and the people who are considered living at the poverty level is increasing. Our education system is becoming a joke and the worse thing to happen to secondary education was for profit institutions. I am at a loss as to what I can do about this situation. I make sure I vote in all elections to try to keep the ones that continue to gut this country out of office, but continue to see people vote against their best interest. I am about 11 to 12 years away from retiring, depending on long I plan to work, and I am seriously considering finding another country to retire in. » Posted By ghostrider On February 8, 2011 @ 6:38 pm I like that. POV will now stand for “persistence of vision” » Posted By ghostrider On February 11, 2011 @ 11:48 am yep, they had a “political pundit” badge for people who had made a certain number of comments on political stories. She has sold us out. And this really cinches that deal. » Posted By ghostrider On February 12, 2011 @ 4:13 pm Nice to know she had us duped all these years. She is nothing more than another member of the elite rich making money off the backs of the “little people” Boo Arianna. » Posted By ghostrider On February 12, 2011 @ 4:11 pm signed. I don’t know how far this country would fall without Morning Edition and All Things Considered. » Posted By ghostrider On February 12, 2011 @ 4:04 pm I know this may be a bit of a personal nature, but I need to post it anyway. The wife and I decided to celebrate Valentines day today instead of waiting until Monday. We stayed in and cooked a really fantastic dinner and had some drinks. We started off with Grey Goose Martini’s with Gorgonzola stuffed olives. With those we had some crostini that had a goat cheese and Ricotta cheese spread on them. Absolutely delicious. For dinner we had pan roasted brussel sprouts with a little Parmesan cheese sprinkled on at the end. Oven roasted fingerling potatoes with onions. And for the Pièce de résistance a beef wellington. The first time we have ever tried to make one of these and worth every minute of the two days that it took. It was absolutely fantastic. We now owe our savings account 150 dollars but it was worth every penny. I hope everybody else has a great Valentines day. » Posted By ghostrider On February 12, 2011 @ 3:57 pm Now you did it. You had to go and bring up Black Sabbath didn’t you? I will just have to adjust my list to the lucky top 13. Saw them live in Boston sometime around ’75 or ’76. Who can remember, it was 35 years ago. » Posted By ghostrider On February 9, 2011 @ 11:27 am This popped up on huffpo yesterday: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeff-pollack/10-bands-that-shook-the-w_1_b_819903.html I thought his list was very accurate. Here is his list in case you don’t want to give huffpo any clicks. I would add only two bands to that list to make it a top 12. YES – for their ability to generate songs that were 20 mins or longer and no one ever complained they were too long. Also the shere theatrics of their live shows. YESSongs was a fantastic movie. Emerson, Lake and Palmer — Another band that managed to produce 2 great albums that were completely theme based: Tarkus and Brain Salad Surgery. Also for the Rock interpretation of early composers like Modest Mussorgsky. I may be slightly prejudice when it comes to rock bands like this since I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and the first album I ever bought was Beggars Banquet, but I think the rock super bands of those days will never be matched. What do you guys think? » Posted By ghostrider On February 8, 2011 @ 6:19 pm The Rewriting of History–The States’ Rights Fable. There was a book written back in the 50’s or 60’s? Not sure of the exact time frame. It was also probably portraid as a fantasy or science fiction book. It was about what the US would be like if the South had actually won the Civil War and seceded. Anybody out there happen to remember that book and what the title was? I have searched various book sites but not getting a hit on it yet. » Posted By ghostrider On February 12, 2011 @ 8:13 pmComments Posted By ghostrider
Should the successful GOP strategies; repetition talking points, abject disconnect, focus on centrist messaging and pragmatism be emulated for DNC success in 2012?
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