Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments The new movement now has a webpage of its own. http://www.movementforthepeople.org We fight for this now or we prepare to accept the consequences. “We are not to expect to be translated from despotism to liberty in a featherbed.” ~ Thomas Jefferson » Posted By BassetDad On December 27, 2010 @ 8:37 pm Thank you all so much for your commentary, I appreciate it along with the great quotes from wise men. Hi Choicelady, I am not against lobbying per se, but as you point out the profit driven that get concessions on legislation and regulation to the detriment of the general populace is, as far as I am concerned, corporate over reach and wrong. If Lincoln, Jefferson and many of the others could see what we have become they would have a coronary. We have become everything they warned us against. » Posted By BassetDad On November 10, 2010 @ 10:28 am Thank you so much for your added insight. What you say is true, we are blinded many times by ideology or what we want the truth to be rather than what the truth IS. Once you start that ball rolling it is hard if not impossible to stop because it builds the bedrock on which additional knowledge is piled. When the whole house of cards comes crashing down, then what? » Posted By BassetDad On November 6, 2010 @ 8:13 am It is clear what you feel, I am certain it is much the same as my take. Our national memory seems to fade all too quickly and we find ourselves looking for instant gratification in all things. As you say, that simply isn’t going to happen with our economy in the state it is in. It does seem to me that a major difference between democrats and republicans is that democrats seem to govern by emotions felt for the underserved and disinfranchised. Republicans tend to respond to red meat and fear. Maybe this doesn’t fit all instances, but it seems a common thread. I know that we can turn things around without destroying lives and this nation. The how is difficult to figure out. » Posted By BassetDad On November 3, 2010 @ 5:06 pm You are right on the money, it is laziness and a preconceived ideology that these folks are only paying attention to what they want to hear. Now politicians and the media have realized that there is money to be made doing just that and the misinformation and distortion wheel rolls on and on. I for one agree in part with what you say about the race of the President and his family. That is the only explanation for some of it, there is plenty to disagree with and talk about other than his religion or the First Lady’s weight. I was hoping this presidency would be transformational and it has been a great movement, but it also shows just how far we are away from being a whole nation. It is saddening. » Posted By BassetDad On October 19, 2010 @ 6:44 pm I agree with you. Others on the left just don’t know how much worse it can get. Another thing of enormous import that is being decided this election year is the census driven redistricting efforts in many states. A clean republican sweep could doom everyone to 10 more years America, Inc. courtesy of the republicans. » Posted By BassetDad On October 17, 2010 @ 8:19 pm Thank you, it is good to be able to air my true thoughts on all of this and look forward to continuing to contribute. I will vote for Dems as well this time around. I just can’t buy into the dishonesty and general carelessness of what has become the repubican platform. It seems they had intended to string the poor economic situation out for their own political gain and so many fail to see it. Tea partiers don’t have a clue what they want, they are just angry. They have been duped into voting against their own interest as republicans want to fleece them just as much as they want to fleece everyone else. I can’t say that many democrats are much different in that respect. Thanks for the welcome, look forward to venting a little. » Posted By BassetDad On October 17, 2010 @ 8:15 pm I feel for you and hope that you are able to right things. I find many republicans to be heartless people for whom everything comes down to money. I simply cannot disconnect my personal feelings from political decision making as many seem to be able to do. I don’t believe that Obama is at fault for our current situation. I do think that many of the Democrats need to develop a backbone and take the bull by the horns. I encouraged them and let my representatives know that I had their back if they went out on a limb for me. Had they been stronger things would be so much different. Now I fear it is too late and the situation is going to be that much tougher. To deal with it we will have to engage in any way we can to push things back into sync. Write, call, stand together and fight against what I feel is the new aristocracy. » Posted By BassetDad On October 17, 2010 @ 8:10 pmComments Posted By BassetDad
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