This was actually an article in a local paper about a historian and Middle East expert spreaking at the University of Montana. It was...
16 Azar, or National Student Day is a commemoration of December 7th, 1953, when three students at Tehran University were killed after protesting the...
Since the 13 Aban demonstrations nearly a month ago, the international nuclear debate has been ratcheted up, and the domestic scene of the Islamic...
The numbers appear to be leaked by The White House, 30,000 more troops for Afghanistan.
Some of the buzz from the MSM is that Pres....
President Obama is going to announce his plans for Afghanistan after Thanksgiving.
It may be ironic that by then we will be done giving thanks.
However, any mistake in mere expression or arrangement is excusable; but when you come to fancy geography, differing from the other not by miles...
There's this site I know, you may have heard of it. It starts with an H as in "Hell". They have a story up...