Hillary's debate skills may not be enough to defeat Trump in the debate, she may need one or more strategies, depending on how Trump conducts himself, to win the debate not only on substance but when it comes to perception.


The republicans hurry to war but refuse to care for the veterans their war created. With that in mind, I believe that more veterans than ever are going to vote for a Democrat who is against senseless WAR! Bernie Sanders has been against all our wars since he has been a Rep. or Senator. Nearly all the GOP candidates are in favor of said wars. They even want to start another with Iran.

Sgt. Bergdahl

As far as Sgt. Bergdahl is concerned, I think he should be given the benefit of doubt. We don't know what he witnessed to make him walk off into the enemy territory. Some soldiers are more attuned to combat while others are less so. I feel that he was overcome by his experience.
Guys in Vietnam (I talk from experience about Nam) saw buddies wounded or killed. Many of us helped get them on choppers to get medical help. Most of us had to shoot enemy soldiers. Believe me that is not easy for some of us. I know it haunts me. It goes against human nature to kill other human beings. Oh, there are some people who like killing, no doubt. But I think most folks do not enjoy taking life from another human.
When the veterans who served their country are retired after 3 or more years of service, they are excellent possible employees for some business.
Many veterans are injured either physically or emotionally or by some illness brought on by (in my case) Agent Orange. We all carry memories that we wish we never had to.
What do you suppose he is hiding? Why is all the information about him classified? Was he treated differently than other POW's? Why is he such a "hawk"?
There is a lot of federal money that is supposed to go to the States highway funds to repair roads and bridges. The Tea Party controlled House has held up those monies.
The story of a unique flagpole and what it stands for.
I don't believe we should commit our military to war without first giving a lot of thought and research into why we should or shouldn't put them in harm's way.


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