John McCain doesn’t want to bring our POW’s home. Why?
What do you suppose he is hiding? Why is all the information about him classified? Was he treated differently than other POW’s? Why is he such a “hawk”?
Do you think he is a “chickenhawk”? I do. Listen to the link above so you know where I am coming from, please.
POW in Vietnam
Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, McCain graduated (fifth from the bottom of his class) from the Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1958. He also graduated from flight school in 1960.
With the outbreak of the Vietnam War, McCain volunteered for combat duty and began flying carrier-based attack planes on low-altitude bombing runs against the North Vietnamese. He escaped serious injury on July 29, 1967, when his A-4 Skyhawk plane was accidentally shot by a missile on board theUSS Forestal, causing explosions and fires that killed 134.
On October 26, 1967, during his 23rd air mission, McCain’s plane was shot down during a bombing run over the North Vietnamese capital of Hanoi. He broke both arms and one leg during the ensuing crash. McCain was moved to Hoa Loa prison, nicknamed the “Hanoi Hilton,” on December 9, 1969.
His captors soon learned he was the son of a high-ranking officer in the U.S. Navy and repeatedly offered him early release, but McCain refused, not wanting to violate the military code of conduct and knowing that the North Vietnamese would use his release as a powerful piece of propaganda.
McCain eventually spent five and a half years in various prison camps, three and a half of those in solitary confinement, and was repeatedly beaten and tortured before he was finally released, along with other American POWs, on March 14, 1973, less than two months after the Vietnam cease fire went into effect. McCain earned the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross.
Though McCain had lost most of his physical strength and flexibility, he was determined to continue serving as a naval aviator. After a painful nine months of rehabilitation, he returned to flying duty, but it soon became clear that his injuries had permanently impaired his ability to advance in the Navy.”
First, he was not the smartest of his class by far. Second, why was he so upset about getting Bowe Berghdal back? It seems to me he should have been leading the charge to get Bowe back. Third, he has flip flopped on so many issues while he has been in congress. I think he is lead by his “owners” the very wealthy. When I heard the other veterans and POW’s say he was treated differently than them, it confirmed my feelings about him.
Lastly, how could they award him the Distinguished Flying Cross when he didn’t fly in a distinguished way? Somewhere I read that he crashed other planes, too.
Like The article Nirek,
Wow oh McCain is really a squirrel.
Ya he is all for war but does not like the present leave no one behind.
He does not want the record to show his fault and giving the enemy information.
You know to actually want to put the military citizens at risk is really bad. So glad he was never elected president.
after growing up in a VFW most of 9 to 15 with my father. Most people do not want to go back to war.
Thanks for the reply, Ghost.
McCain is not presidential material, for sure.
Agreed Friend Nirek.
Live long and prosper!
A synthesizer can create any instrument made and others that have not be created yet.
Good post Nirek,and why,some in the media surely know this stuff,is he their go to guy when anything military arises?And why did this stuff not become public come up in his Presidential bid.Where,supposedly,your whole life story comes out?
Beatlex, I too wonder why he is always on the Sunday “news” shows? He is the least informed person and the MSM cling onto everything he says. Makes no sense.
Again, I agree that his past never was fully vetted by the MSM!
McCain “lost” five planes:
One crash was found to be be McCain’s fault, the other due to an engine failure of undetermined cause.
A third was destroyed on the deck of the carrier USS Forrestal when a missile fired accidentally from another plane hit either the plane next to McCain’s or, less likely, his own aircraft, triggering a disastrous fire that killed 134 sailors and nearly killed McCain.
A fourth plane was lost when he was shot down over North Vietnam on a bombing mission over Hanoi.
A fifth alleged “crash” turns out to be a misinterpretation of a flight accident that did not result in the loss of the aircraft. McCain admitted to causing that incident through “daredevil clowning” but returned safely.
None of these incidents prevented McCain from winning regular promotions and being assigned additional flight duty. The Navy praised his “aggressiveness and skillful airmanship” when awarding him the Navy Commendation Medal for an attack Oct. 18, 1967, on a shipyard in Haiphong, North Vietnam, prior to his capture. The Navy also commended his “superb airmanship” in awarding him the Distinguished Flying Cross for a bombing attack on a Hanoi power plant Oct. 26, 1967. His plane was hit by a surface-to-air missile on that mission, but he “continued his bomb delivery pass and released his bombs over the target” before being forced to eject, according to the official citation.
The Navy has released and posted copies of McCain’s several medal citations and commendations. We have not seen any similar release of official reports of his accidents, or of his fitness reports as a young officer.
The question is why? There have been assertions that the Navy was under pressure to award the medals because of his family connections and later because of his time as a POW.
I don’t know. What I do know that these event haunted him from that time on.
I am fond of saying that everytime McCain is in a tight bind he goes back in time and he is in his jet bomber in the skies over Vietnam and he will be Damned if he will lose another plane, so he does whatever it takes to keep from crashing. That leads to a lot of behavior full of contradiction.
His greatest wish was to follow in the family tradition and be an admiral. When it was made clear that this was out of reach, he turned to politics as a second best choice and he has never made it to the top rank there either.
Angry and bitter…..that is how he comes across….and I think I know why.
Murph, thank you for all that info. Just reinforces my feelings that he is useless.
Certainly deeply flawed and wounded.
Thanks Murph great information.
Ya he is all for war but does not like the present leave no one behind.
He does not want the record to show his fault and giving the enemy information.
You know to actually want to put the military citizens at risk is really bad. So glad he was never elected president.
after growing up in a VFW most of 9 to 15 yrs old with my father. Most people do not want to go back to war.
commend you on post!!
Any price is worthy paying, as long as he is not the one paying.
Agreed Murph,
A synthesizer can create any instrument made and others that have not be created yet.
Nirek, thanks so much for this post. Quite a while back, a friend of mine made what I thought was a very astute observation about John McCain. He said that even though McCain had been out of that Vietnamese prison camp for many years — “mentally, he’s still in the ‘tiger cage.'”
Meaning that he was in a sort of chronic, angry, fearful, defensive crouch in his own mind. Maybe that’s one reason someone who seems to have the same emotional qualities — Sarah Palin — appealed to him?
Kes, the two of them deserve each other, in my opinion.
Good observation.
That matches up with my obervation:
I am fond of saying that everytime McCain is in a tight bind he goes back in time and he is in his jet bomber in the skies over Vietnam and he will be Damned if he will lose another plane, so he does whatever it takes to keep from crashing. That leads to a lot of behavior full of contradiction.
His greatest wish was to follow in the family tradition and be an admiral. When it was made clear that this was out of reach, he turned to politics as a second best choice and he has never made it to the top rank there either.
Angry and bitter…..that is how he comes across….and I think I know why.
Nirek, I think one of the best exposes of McCain was the Rolling Stone article back in 2008 when he was running for President, titled, “Make-Believe Maverick”.
McCain’s image of a maverick, which he famously denied he ever represented himself to be in his last re-election campaign because Repub voters wanted a conformist, was so phony.
The truth is that McCain is and always has been an opportunist and that trait was camouflaged with the phony title of “Maverick”. Yes, of course his positions weren’t always lock step with core Republicans, when he thought it was to his advantage to promote himself (he always dreamed he would become President…maybe it’s more accurate to say he always felt entitled to be President).
As we’ve seen before, during and since McCain ran for President, his “principled” stands on issues are easily thrown away and even denied they ever existed. One thing he has always been consistent on is wanting to kill people in foreign countries and kill members of our military at any and every opportunity. He is not a hero in my eyes, he is a traitor to our military who doesn’t care one bit about their lives.
Here are a couple of tidbits from the RS article:
This RS article is mindblowing in revealing who McCain really is.
How anyone can attribute principles to this self-centered, callous, conscience-less man is beyond me.
It’s amazing how most members of congress continue to refer to him as a war hero and a POW that was tortured while trying to protect his country…talking about spinning the truth. 🙂
Monica, like it says in the title, NO! He is no hero.
It’s kind of a guilt thing, I think. Since most Americans wouldn’t even think of joining the military, they assuage their guilt by calling everyone who was or is in the military, heroes.
Even in the most generous description, McCain was a victim of war, held imprisoned and treated brutally for some of that time. That aside, he was a reckless jerk who showed little regard for anyone but himself.
He’s not a hero though. Real heroes purposely make self-sacrifices for the benefit of others, they usually aren’t indifferent about having a hand in the deaths of over 100 comrades.
Ad, McCain is no hero! He has cost the US taxpayers millions. His fellow POW’s had nothing nice to say about him and he has been against the return of Bowe Berghdal! To me that is damning enough. Your link is just further proof of how correct I was in my thinking.
Excellent article Nirek, I agree 100% Have you ever visited the Phoenix New Times Special Report? If not, take a look:
The video clip is damaging for both McCain and Kerry, both influential in our government. Shame.
Monica, thank you! If I had had that link I would have included it in my article. So many of the stories confirm what I am talking about. How in the hell he ever got elected is beyond me. I know , Money is speech and can buy votes, I know.
You answered your own question. 🙂
monicaangela, thanks for the link. I’ve known for years about his activities during his imprisonment and after his release. This war-hawk is NO hero. Just because one served does not automatically make one a hero. He really needs to be retired to the glue factory.
I agree S-Man, with everything you just said. Happy to be able to provide the link. Many people know of this man’s dark past, but for some reason the people in Arizona continue to vote for him, I guess money talks.
Yes Monicaangle thanks fo the link.
A synthesizer can create any instrument made and others that have not be created yet.
S-man, McCain is the best example of a “chicken hawk” that I can come up with.
Off to the glue factory with him!
Great article,Nirek. I believe MacShame is so full of scheister he cannot distinguish reality from fantasy anymore.IF he wasn’t from the get go, paranoid and delirious.I’ve also read on other blogs he was a mediocre pilot who destroyed through his inability and incompetence several planes.Have a good one.
Exfan, thanks. I think he was a mediocre pilot at best. He has cost us taxpayers millions just in the lost planes.
We are all aware of this P.O.S.And I do not mean Point of Sale…LOLOLOLOL
Agreed fine friend.
with all the Friendship we both have!
A synthesizer can create any instrument made and others that have not be created yet.
I’ve appreciate the Bach version but, as a classicist LOLOLOL I thought you were creative but….Bach should never be on a synthesizer.:) XOXOXOXOXOXXO
HI My favorite Nickname.
I am confused ( Bach Version ???? ) sorry i do not know what composition that is??
Title to the composition?
I had no intention to write like Bach or any other classical composer.
OH Bach would have loved a synthesizer.
( Ghost stories ) New project sent as little while a go in multiple e mails, all vocals did you like that?
1 The little white lies.
2 Why
3 Friends
4 Children of the sea
5 Only money
6 I can see it here
7 She’s so fine
8 Oceans tide
9 Del’s Theme
10 Child’s play
11 Eva Braun
12 Emotions
13 Thibadeaux
14 THe little Queen
15 Dragonwings.
Hugs from XX