Take Action!

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What is so challenging about writing fiction? How could that be hard? That was the question an acquaintance asked me recently. I was mildly annoyed at the question, but I realized that to many people, fiction is simply entertainment. And...

Foch Kochs

Over the weekend Charles and David Koch, the Tea Party's silent financial backers, threw their annual confab. We were there in opposition!
Tune in to this post to watch the Uncloaking the Kochs rally live! (Image of the oily Koch can is courtesy of Oil Watchdog)
Everything is underway with this Sunday's protest against the Koch cabal in Palm Springs. The media is building as are the images, here are just some of them.
The Koch cabal is meeting this weekend in Palm Springs to plot their next steps to buy and control our democracy. Join an alliance of Progressives and moderates in exposing and protesting their destructive agenda.
You are invited to add your name to this petition to join a boycott MSNBC for their cancellation of Keith Olbermann's show.
Just for the heck of it, I took a completely unscientific study and looked at how the major news outlets cover the federal deficit.
Last Thursday, The GOP released their "Pledge" to America and the only positive thing one can say about them after seeing what's in it is that Republicans finally have shown they believe in recycling. Their "pledge" was very general, promising...
Earlier this week I posted a proposed speech for President Obama, based on suggestions and comments from our members, that amazingly mirrored a speech he gave just a couple of nights later at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. You can check...
As a follow up to our post on writing a speech for Obama on confronting the hatred and racism that has become so mainstream in our politics, I've composed the following draft for your review and comments. One note before...



As a great way to share this experience, PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat (live typed comments) tonight to discuss the night's results as they come in along with everything else this election will bring and what folks think it will mean for the future.