Everyone wanted to see Biles compete in this Olympics. Wanting to be in that moment of awe, watching her flip through the air as if gravity had no hold on her.
I enjoyed the super Bowl, Patriots are my team. I like football as a sport. However I can't understand how the NFL can accept...
What struck many as odd was that Boehner did not offer support for The Patriots, coach Bill Belichick, or quarterback Tom Brady, he simply chided those who would criticize anyone for having deflated balls.
What kind of example is being set at colleges where athletes are given a degree without having to actually go to class and study and learn like the non athletes do?
Goodell stated, "These women are trying to corner me in a tight space, deliver a knockout blow to my head then drag me out of the NFL. It's an outrage! I'm not resigning because their claims aren't true, I don't tolerate violence against women...really wish I could pound that into their heads."
In the cases where "Tea Party Republican" softball parents get what they want but their daughter's lack of skills lead to losses, they console their daughters that they did everything right and someone else is to blame (Obama?).
Some possible team names that have been floated by Donald Sterling and Cliven Bundy for their new racist basketball league include, "The Charleston Chattel", "The Houston Butlers" and "The Tennessee Involuntaries".
It's that time of year, when the media provides wall to wall coverage of our favorite kinds of celebrities...murderers. Remember the hit(job)s of previous years and their stars, such as Casey Anthony starring in "Whatever Happened to Baby Caylee", Drew Peterson in "The Usual Suspect" and of course O.J. Simpson in "Liar, Liar"?
The biggest sporting event in the world is probably the Olympics. The next biggest is the FIFA World Cup. The next biggest is something...
Machismo (definition from Merriam-Websters)
ma·chis·mo noun
mä-ˈchēz-(ˌ)mō, mə-, -ˈkēz-, -ˈkiz-, -ˈchiz-
(1st) Definition of MACHISMO
1: a strong sense of masculine pride : an exaggerated masculinity
Very rarely can...