In this article, we will look at the next step to finding the way out of that quagmire - the Business Plan.
The Business Plan - Nonsense or Good Sense?
These are a few tips that helped me when I was new here, in addition to the FAQ's.
When you thought of starting this business, what did you imagine your life would be like?
What did you dream of having?
Do you have the family or fun time you thought you’d have by this time?
Are you any closer to fulfilling your dreams than when you started?
Three phases of my life (so far) as represented by the foods I ate.
Chances are good that you've never heard of Cambridge, Ohio. It's a tiny hamlet located in eastern Ohio, near the West Virginia border, that...
Good morning everyone!
I hope that when and if you have the time, MB will be the place for you to catch up with...
I will start an effort to win support for and passage of the Fair Elections Now and DISCLOSE Acts. If you value truth,...
As we do every Friday, PlanetPOV presents Vox Populi, our live chat on the week's events. All members are welcome to participate.
Vox Populi begins...
Another Friday is here so once again PlanetPOV presents tonight its live chat on the week's events, Vox Populi. All members are invited to...
A cowboy named Bud was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous
pasture in California when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward
him out of a...