When the veterans who served their country are retired after 3 or more years of service, they are excellent possible employees for some business.
My father was Noel Purcell, Actor, Comedian and Freeman of the City of Dublin. I do want to share the real man behind the Stage and Screen star, his pride in his work, his incredible humility for all his success but most of all, I want to show him as MY DAD!
Test yourself. Can you think of other words in our (not hour) language that either are spelled the same but mean something else? Or spelled differently but pronounced the same?
Martha Coakley reminds me of Hillary Clinton to the extent that she is clearly intelligent, cares about the issues, yet fails to connect to the citizenry.
It is 50 years since the Civil rights Movement began to grow tall. But, 50 years later, despite Federal Laws, states are still denying voting rights to American Citizens and are even using underhand means to keep the minorities 'in their place'.
We decided to go from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic ocean. It took us a week to hike 117 miles across the Isthmus of Panama. The Army used helicopters to support us. They flew in and dropped C rations and cases of Coke and fresh water for us.
I had received this phone call three times before.
At about one in the afternoon my phone rang. I wasn't expecting anyone to call and I thought it might be just another telemarketer or maybe a wrong number. Looking back,...
Yet, there was something magical about that night, maybe the electricity in the air, the astounding lightening strikes, the pounding rain, the roaring wind, or the so, so freshness of the rain cleansed air.
These pictures are random from my "game camera". I set it in a couple places around my house. I get many critters that show up.
The Story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons may have mixed reviews but for a theater full of baby boomers who joined the cast in singing Sherri during the closing credits it was a Five Star experience.