Émile Zola wrote an open letter to then president of France in 1898 that was published on the front page of L'Aurore, a liberal...
Well, the time has come to ask, since I have been unable to discern an answer on my own. I have conducted some serious...
More on Understanding the Past...
Costs of Goods Sold (COGS) as it relates to sales...
Sales, COGS and the time shift...
When I went to find my sister's grave, I didn't expect tot get a lesson in my family's dysfunction.
Sell out. Troll central. Rag. Real Posters of Huffington {{spit}} County.
Whatever you want to say about HP {{spit}} and what it was/is/is becoming, it...
A Brief History of Sales - Understanding the past...
If you already have a business, it's time to gather all the information you can before you start.
William James, Rollo May, and Paul Tillich on Will, Courage and Faith
I read a blog entry today that really got me thinking and felt it would be good to share here.
The article entitled "The Disease...
From now on we live in a world where man has walked on the Moon. It's not a miracle; we just decided to go.
On a Cloudy Day
By James Michael Brodie
One night, years ago, I was driving down a quiet road at night with a...