It won't just be civilians defying and challenging Trump and the GOP Congress. The LAPD has already stated that they will not cooperate with Trump's plan to deport up to 3 million undocumented immigrants. Military leaders have vowed not to follow orders that are against the law including Trump's wanting to bring back waterboarding and other torture. And this is just the beginning.
I spent most of yesterday trying to intellectualise the outcome, but it comes down to three things, racism, sexism and privilege.
Elizabeth Warren is everything Hillary needed to be but couldn't be to win this election. She is authentic, inspirational, a woman of the people, sympathetic, has an enthusiastic following in the Dem base and is a powerful and energizing speaker. She is a fighter for the regular American worker who feels left behind or neglected by their government/society, the very voters Trump used to win election because they felt they had nowhere else to go.
The Make America Great or the Nightmare Trump? Who Won?
PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat to accompany tonight's final presidential debate, unofficially the official debate watching format of Sanity. A lively, witty, insightful conversation is in store for you tonight, we hope you can join us!
Someone running for President is on tape admitting that he enjoys abusing his power to use others and gratify himself...and 40% of Americans want to give him the enormous power of the Presidency?
Let me explain. The rhetoric from mainstream climate groups (and many scientists) over the past few years has sounded something like this: ‘if we don’t seriously reduce our carbon dioxide levels, our grandchildren will be in big trouble by 2100’. With that deadline 84 years away, the tendency is to become complacent. But nearly all such assertions about a 2100 deadline are based on carbon dioxide concentrations alone.
PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat during tonight's debate that 9 out of 10 mental health experts recommend (as opposed to watching the debate alone and throwing a remote through your tv screen).
As Bertrand Russell said, “The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed the passion is the measure of the holders lack of rational conviction."
Before we can Make America Great Again, we need to Make Americans Great Again and the first step in doing that is for Republicans to openly recognize and end their abusive relationship with Donald Trump.