Why isn't the "white working class" identity politics? Are these politicians saying that what is good for the white working class, is good for everyone? In a perfect world, what is good for one American SHOULD be good for ALL Americans. The problem is we don't live in a perfect world.
They steal our votes, and our hard earned incomes. They keep us in fear of imagined monsters, when the greatest enemy and danger in history is upon us - the wolf is at the door. They break laws aggressively, to destroy the "Rule of Law."
Trump is deadset on turning Independence Day on the Mall in Washington DC into a MAGA Rally in which he, as Dear Leader, is exalted by fireworks and military might.....the antidote.....embrace the deep truths behind this most import of American Holidays.
There is nothing in our political or governmental lexicon to address an illegitimate presidency, probably because the framers of the Constitution neve envisioned that happening.
The dehumanisation of humans is always a step too far and it allows those who defend policies that lead to the images posted above with weak excuses of blaming parents for trying to save themselves and their families from brutality, starvation and fear.
Americans need to be both vigilant and wary of the current situation as this president is not beyond lying to have his ultimate goal of starting a war against an enemy he has no understanding of other than that of hawkish men who have no issue in sending US troops to their slaughter along with the slaughter of tens of thousands of others.
Joe Biden voted for most of the things Hillary Clinton voted for when they were both in the Senate, but Clinton was accused of being every negative thing anyone could think of for those votes.
I am pleased to announce that North Carolina has become the first state in our nation to have a major political Party (the Democratic Party) officially recognize a separate Transgender Caucus! It happened first in the South!
The imperfections of a democracy tend to be known to all who participate in it and more often than not, disregard those little imperfections because they are constantly hit with a barrage of rhetoric to confuse and conquer.
"Her Majesty trusted in me to serve a thick, over-sized side of beef in a flaky fragile shell and in the end, I wasn't able to serve Mr. Trump," Flanagan said.


Happy New Year! It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

Lucifer and Mazakeen are making plans for Trump's presidential visit.

Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All Part 2

How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?