I could not believe how many pick-up trucks in the school parking lot were sporting a Johnny Reb bumper tag that read, “Hell, no! We Ain’t Fergettin.’” It was here, in 1960’s Mississippi, that I learned the Civil War was not quite over.
The house she rented was in a neighborhood of starter homes in Charlotte, NC. She paid her bills and through no fault of her own, faced eviction because her lousy landlord didn't pay his/her mortgage.
Why is politics so mind bogglingly complicated? You often hear conversation  about the host of complex problems we face today and that these issues cannot be reduced to bumper sticker slogans and addressed by simplistic solutions. I say simple clear,...
On a Cloudy Day By James Michael Brodie One night, years ago, I was driving down a quiet road at night with a couple of friends. Seeing a silver barrel hurling headlong toward our windshield, the driver, as...
On this day of tribute to Rev. Martin Luther King, a consideration of how a new campaign for social and economic justice is greatly needed today.
White folks who remarkably continue to claim (or ignore) racism isn’t alive and well, that circumstances have markedly improved for black folks are either delusional or purposefully in denial or are lifelong gopers, or lifelong racists!  Case in point….the...
Thank you for signing on to the obstructionist dog and pony show contrived by your Republican colleagues in the Senate. Have you signed the “secret” letter being circulated in the hallways of the Senate Building, akin to passing notes in study hall?
In this interview, Loewen links the Civil War era to the later era known as the Nadir of Race Relations (1890-1940), and further, to the modern day Neo-Confederate movement, which tends to look amazingly like it's twin brother...the Tea Party.
The new HBO series, Boardwalk Empire debuted this week. It's set in 1919's Atlantic City when Prohibition became the law of the land. While watching it, and perhaps this is not coincidental, the similarities between the present and that period...
As a follow up to our post on writing a speech for Obama on confronting the hatred and racism that has become so mainstream in our politics, I've composed the following draft for your review and comments. One note before...



As a great way to share this experience, PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat (live typed comments) tonight to discuss the night's results as they come in along with everything else this election will bring and what folks think it will mean for the future.

We Need to Stop Playing Trump’s Game

It is long past time to stop playing Trump’s game of racism, hate, misogyny, and abject greed. If Trump is elected, he will end democracy as we know it. Harris will preserve it and work to make it better and far more inclusive so we can have it, as Lincoln said, a more perfect union. It will only happen if you vote.