PatsyT : You got that right!
bito : Oh, Patsy! I can't even imagine, you deserve combat pay. Just remember it will be a fond memory 15 years from now.
PatsyT : They are still here... help...
AdLib : Bito - Sweet!!!
bito : "They just announced on Madison's Radio Station WTDY that they officially have enough signatures to Recall Hopper! #wiunion"
AdLib : Night CL!
choicelady : G'night everybody! Have a good week...
AdLib : Night!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night all.
AdLib : Then that's a wrap for tonight's edition of Vox Populi. Thanks so much everyone for another fantastic edition! Sleep well and have a wonderful weekend!
PatsyT :...
ChrisR266 : Best of rest to you, Patsy.
PatsyT : Well Chris you and I are closing the place down... See you soon Thanks for your great ideas and hope your weekend goes well.
ChrisR266 : A parking...
AdLib : KQ - You have a great weekend too!!!
AdLib : Thank you ghsts! Great to have you on Vox! Have a great weekend!
AdLib : KQ - Absolutely, Rahm was insisting HCR was dead and Obama...
ghostrider : That's too bad, this was the first week I remembered to check this out
choicelady : HI Guest - appears you and I did not get the message - Vox Populi is on vacation this week....
1 guest is online.
Kalima : That goes for you too bito. No sleep, no ice cream. Now both of you go to sleep, or do I have to come upstairs?
bito : The Lib ain't gonna abide if...
bito : Now back to the Planet twitter
bito : Goodness, you guys can keep me busy.
SueInCa : Bito see my note on the financial inquiry report
SueInCa : Bito
SueInCa : Bito
SueInCa : Bito
Kalima : SP's, where did that big "S" come from?
Kalima : Ok, one for the road then. Have to rush, I've borrowed SP'S broom.
bito : Just one more, make it a double.
Kalima : Look...
Kalima : I know all about those. As I often say to bito, why aren't you sleeping yet. Off you go now. Bloody time zones, my bad. Take care.
AdLib : Heh...I could make a joke about...