ChrisR266 : Best of rest to you, Patsy. PatsyT : Well Chris you and I are closing the place down... See you soon Thanks for your great ideas and hope your weekend goes well. ChrisR266 : A parking...
AdLib : KQ - You have a great weekend too!!! AdLib : Thank you ghsts! Great to have you on Vox! Have a great weekend! AdLib : KQ - Absolutely, Rahm was insisting HCR was dead and Obama...
ghostrider : That's too bad, this was the first week I remembered to check this out choicelady : HI Guest - appears you and I did not get the message - Vox Populi is on vacation this week....
1 guest is online. Kalima : That goes for you too bito. No sleep, no ice cream. Now both of you go to sleep, or do I have to come upstairs? bito : The Lib ain't gonna abide if...
bito : Now back to the Planet twitter bito : Goodness, you guys can keep me busy. SueInCa : Bito see my note on the financial inquiry report SueInCa : Bito SueInCa : Bito SueInCa : Bito SueInCa...
Kalima : SP's, where did that big "S" come from? Kalima : Ok, one for the road then. Have to rush, I've borrowed SP'S broom. bito : Just one more, make it a double. Kalima : Look...
Kalima : I know all about those. As I often say to bito, why aren't you sleeping yet. Off you go now. Bloody time zones, my bad. Take care. AdLib : Heh...I could make a joke about...
AdLib : Will do, thanks so much my friend! You get some rest too, need you just as much, pal! Have a great weekend! bito : Night AdLib, kiss the wife and kid and get some rest, guy....
AdLib : Night! AdLib : The public has such a corporately-crea ted short attention span, that would be hard to change. kesmarn : If only we could get the public off their roller coaster, AdLib! Good night again! AdLib...
Kalima : Nighty night kes. Sweet dreams. kesmarn : Kalima! It's 3:40 a.m. here (which, clearly, you know!) and I am sleeping (not) on the lumpy couch because I have a little visitor who's taken...



As a great way to share this experience, PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat (live typed comments) tonight to discuss the night's results as they come in along with everything else this election will bring and what folks think it will mean for the future.