Perhaps the only science Murdoch truly believes in is the calculation of tv ratings and advertising rates.
The irony is that such people use the fruits of science daily, such as televisions, cell phones and the internet to wage their war against that evil practice of science.
  God not only plays dice, He also sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen. ~Stephen Hawking   In this particular post we will be discussing one of my favorite universal phenomena, black holes. They are the most powerful force in...
I have extreme doubts but I sincerely hope Andrea Rossi proves us all wrong with his device.  With his "energy catalyzer" (called E-Catalyzer or E-Cat) Rossi claims an energy multiplier of 30X.  I would guess if something is happening...
Probably my favorite pop science series in the last few years is "Through the Wormhole" narrated by Morgan Freeman which examines the latest scientific theories and boldly relates them to questions of religion and spirituality. One of my favorite segments in the series...
    First and foremost, The Quiet Invasion is a first contact story. What would we do if we actually found evidence of alien life out there? It's also about politics. ~Sarah Zettel   This month the National Geographic Channel(NGC) debuted a...

Time Travel

    I myself believe that there will one day be time travel because when we find that something isn't forbidden by the over-arching laws of physics we usually eventually find a technological way of doing it. ~David Deutsch   When...
After the Big Bang came the Great Darkness. In indescribable darkness, matter raced away from itself in all directions, pushing space into being as it did so. Darkly, it spun and coalesced, exploded and merged, exploded again, grew heavier,...
"That particular sense of sacred rapture men say they experience in contemplating nature- I've never received it from nature, only from. Buildings, Skyscrapers. I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York's skyline." - Ayn Rand

The Pond

After buying the old farmhouse at the end of March, I quickly went around to its back to look at what I had really purchased it for.  Because, although the house was very old and pretty in a vernacularly...