In a hot auditorium in Charleston, SC on July 30, 1977, I heard Dr. Martin Luther King declare: "I'm not gonna say, 'Burn baby burn'!" I'm gonna say "Build baby build!"
With all of the hoopla surrounding the films screened in the Obama White House, I got curious about what the past presidents watched. What follows is by no means complete, but an interesting bit of history.
May the world experience PEACE!
May all people think about others and help those in need. I wish for love and peace to out pace and overrun war and discourse. I wish for cures for cancer and all the rest of deseases. Equality for women, and all minorities. That all people care about and love one another.The end of GREED!
Extremists of any religion are the downfall of their religion. Those extremists hurt people of their religion and others as well. For proof, you need look no further than the Muslim extremists killing indiscriminately which gives Islam a black eye or worse. Of course Christianity has those vile "Westboro Baptist" extremists. They don't like anyone. Seem to hate other religions and soldiers and just about everyone. There are examples of extremists in most all religions.
As we all know, there's a big difference between wanting to engage folks with varying opinions in conversation and just plain old garden variety trolling. When you see the following techniques employed -- you know that you've found yourself a genuine troll. Bless his li'l heart...
It is not only the college students who don't know history but many of our Congressmen/women and Governors (former half term comes to mind, you know she could see Russia from her back porch.).
Test yourself. Can you think of other words in our (not hour) language that either are spelled the same but mean something else? Or spelled differently but pronounced the same?
Elizabeth Warren divined the reasons for the financial meltdown and continued economic sluggishness--the fact that the middle class now needs 104 paychecks a year to pay for a lifestyle their parents had with 52.
We have to be the first to take personal responsibility for our own carbon footprint. And it's probably not going to be a walk in the park--most other industrialized nations keep energy prices high for a variety of different reasons.
April 1969. Fire Base Diamond, Vietnam. I was ordered to go outside the perimeter and set up a listening post facing the Cambodian border....