Here we are now, entertain us! - Nirvana, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Just look at Bob and Judy, they're happy as can be inventing situations, putting them on TV - Talking Heads, "Found A Job" About six weeks ago, the world was introduced to...
I was chosen for jury duty on September 10.   The rest  of the prospective jurors were allowed to leave and resume their lives and for some of them, I guess, their jobs in the nearby World Trade Center.  Having...
I recently attended my 5th Netroots Nation Convention. I was on staff with the convention for the first two years when it was the YearlyKos Convention, then I stepped down after Chicago and have been on the advisory board...

C*ntry First?

The cover of the latest edition of TIME magazine shows the noseless face of an 18 year-old Afghan girl, who was disfigured as a result of running away from a forced marriage.  The cover suggested that this is what...
When you stay at hotels around the country, visit a bar or restaurant, find yourself in some public place where there's a tv, you're more than likely to see on that tv either a commercial for Dulcolax or Fox News. The...
The Boston Globe just reported today on a study at the University of Michigan that examined how people, especially those who are wrong about what they believe to be true, respond to being presented with the facts: Facts don’t necessarily...
So I'm out on my driveway washing my car last weekend, when my neighbor walks by. He is an old Chinese guy in his late 90s. I see him often, making his way to the corner and back, a...
We are stardust, we are golden we are billion year old carbon and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden - Jonie Mitchell, "Woodstock" Ferrets are more determined than they are bright. Case in point being my own pet ferret, Rosie....
Happy Fathers Day, Dad. The day is here.  What memories do you have of this day?  Do you remember a kindness that you and your father shared?  A secret you cherished, one your siblings did not know?  An ice cream...
Well, Joe Biden was certainly right when he said that President Obama would be "tested" soon after taking office. The question is not so much "how did he do" on the test as it is, "when will the tests...


The Hard Truth About This World – There Is Evil

“The times that tried men’s souls are over, and the greatest and compleatest revolution the world ever knew is gloriously and happily accomplished.

Donald Trump Does Not Love This Country

Donald Trump constantly talks about, no, that is wrong, brags about how much he loves this country. But his actions tell a different story. His behavior, what he supports and condones, and what he is willing to do are not the acts of a person who professes a love of country but a clear sense of megalomania and dictatorial tendencies.

A Tale about Racism – Their Mommas Lied To Them: Part 1

When Obama completed the oath of office, Thirteen-year-old Rashad glanced at his mom and dad, seeing something he had never seen his father and mother do, wiping tears from their eyes. They both looked at each other, not saying a word. He heard his dad say, ‘I wish Mom, Dad, and my grandfather were here to see this.'

Help Me Understand: Why Trump Again?

"No amount of persuasion can change a man's reaction to what he knows. But what he knows can be changed, and the most direct manner is to alter the images in his mind." - Dennis Kimbo