
Can we not propose that a jumbled mind is expressed through incoherent speech? When we take up arms, we’re talking about our vote.
Dazed, I turned only to see said chorus approaching, grinning, with one of them rapping the words "Slam Slam Cinderella.” To add to the surreal quality of the event: I didn't feel humiliated.
Just for the heck of it, I took a completely unscientific study and looked at how the major news outlets cover the federal deficit.
"My own suspicion is that the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose." -J.B.S. Haldane, geneticist and evolutionary biologist Let's imagine a world very different from our own. The only thing on this...
On my last full day in D.C. I had to catch the National Museum of Art. Again. This is part two of my last full day. So join me in cramming a full-day activity into a few hours. Feel the panicked rush to try to take it all in one last time. Did I mention there's nudity?
Confronted with writing a worthy post, this is me above. So I just rolled up my sleeves for a person I've grown to respect and love. I'm in and out fighting time zones across the miles, When I login, there you are,...
I'm winding down, so some pictures from around the National Mall and Downtown Washington. Not many to go!
"We want you all to know there will be no screening of any passengers today, or any other day for that matter." There was a major gasp that went through the crowd laced with whispered variations of the popular question phrase .....What the?
Need a quiet moment? Join me at the national house of prayer.
Three phases of my life (so far) as represented by the foods I ate.


Democracy Or Autocracy: Which Do You Want?

If Trump manages to win, Trump’s retribution will not be limited to what he does here in the United States. He will partner with Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un, and the world order as we currently know it will for sure become the despotic nightmares we read about back in High School in 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Hunger Games, and Handmaid’s Tale.