Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib18 hours ago

Hey Ad


16 hours ago

Hey TW! How are things today?

AdLib16 hours ago

Things are pretty much the same since we last spoke. Working on a piece about Byron Donalds whom I think is a class a jackass along with all the other Trump supporters.


16 hours ago

I’m trying to get my ideas out on paper for my follow-up on I hate Religion but Believe in God but that’s turned into bit of a challenge as I’m researching some things as I spoke with you about yesterday.


16 hours ago

Did you see Donalds’ interview this week on CNN? Hed his feet to the fire about a bill he’s pushing to stop DC from giving young, first time offenders leniency…like he got in his crimes at 18 and 22. Damn hypocrite like Thomas.

AdLib16 hours ago

Right, that’s a very potent topic indeed and with all these MAGA “Christians”, I’d think Christianity is probably taking a bigger hit from young people being really turned off of it.

AdLib16 hours ago

Ad I didn’t see that but I will search for it so I can fit that in. What I have now I know I will rewrite as it needs to be tighten up and that will be good to use. I started with his interview on CNN the other day, but you just gave me an Idea on how I want to change it around to make it flow better.


16 hours ago

Well the book I reading now Jesus and John Wayne goes into some good detail on that and it’s going to take some time t absorb that material and figure out how best to use it and make it tie in with I Believe In God, But Hate Religion series.


16 hours ago

I think Murph is trying to sign in.


16 hours ago

In that same interview, she nails Donalds for pushing the “Biden tried to kill Trump” BS too.

AdLib16 hours ago

TW – Imagine John Wayne being cast as Jesus in some 1940’s religious epic.

AdLib16 hours ago

Yes she did.


16 hours ago

Hope Murph signs in successfully.

AdLib16 hours ago

But there is something extremely concerning in the air around this election as we’ve discussed.


15 hours ago

Here’s a video about the “killing” BS.

AdLib15 hours ago

Murph is in the house let the party begin.


15 hours ago

TW – I’m more convinced than ever that this election is coming amid a real push to overthrow our democracy.

AdLib15 hours ago

Hey Murph!

AdLib15 hours ago

Hello….20 minutes to log in……system kept asking me to log in, I did, and then nothing……..I have actually been here for several minutes but could not enter anything…..well better late than…


15 hours ago

The plutocrat billionaires are throwing in with Trump and the Repubs, as are Putin and the Russians, not to mention the Dominionist moles in our justice system like Cannon, Thomas and Alito.

AdLib15 hours ago

Ad I’m also reading Applebaum’s book, Twilight of Democracy which has some good stuff on authoritarianism so there is a dual going on for attention and how I’m going to get all this stuff written. But is fun.


15 hours ago

I truly think that this is an effort to overthrow the constitution and take the nation down the road to autocracy.


15 hours ago

Murph – Sorry that happened. Usually that’s a cache issue on your computer, sounds like the cookie that’s supposed to be created when you log in wasn’t being saved properly. Assuming you cleared your browser cache then got on?

AdLib15 hours ago

Murph you’re correct. The scarry thing is these people believe and think that is what they want and somehow Trump will take care of them if they give him what he wants. That’s what the German citizens thought as well.


15 hours ago

TW – The sobering truth is that there is now a push coming from many directions, even inside our institutions, pressing for an overthrow of our democracy but the light at the end of the tunnel is that they represent a minority of voters.

AdLib15 hours ago

I didn’t really do anything except reenter my credentials several times….there was quite a lag and then three times I started again…..the last time worked it just took awhile t connect.


15 hours ago

How do you win with a minority of voters? You taint the electoral process from start to finish.


15 hours ago

Also read an interesting article in the NYT that explained some of the reasons for polls favoring Trump at this point. Apparently, polls are including people who don’t vote regularly and the percentage favors Trump among those who are also low info voters. Voters who are informed favor Biden by double digits.

AdLib15 hours ago

Murph that is what the Republicans are doing, and sadly they are getting the SC to go along with them based on the recent decision that just came down regarding SC.


15 hours ago

We are having massive storms here….hope to stay with you but if I disappear the power went out.


15 hours ago

Murph – Just to keep in your back pocket, after a problem logging in, just clear your browser’s cache and it should solve the problem.

AdLib15 hours ago

Murph I’m starting to wonder if God is coming after the fools in your state for supporting Trump.


15 hours ago

Murph – I think we’re all on the same page, there is a multi-pronged effort to overthrow this election and our democracy. I don’t believe it will succeed but it won’t be for a lack of planning, financing, and scheming.

AdLib15 hours ago

Ad……that is interesting re. the polling…


15 hours ago

Murph as you know Democracy is not really a natural form of governance.


15 hours ago

Murph – Sorry to hear about the storms. But how do government officials think things will turn out as they oppose stopping climate change or even allowing it to be mentioned by their governments while it causes greater threats and damage year after year?

AdLib15 hours ago

Ad…perhaps I am not clearing my cache properly? I work on a MacBook Air….


15 hours ago

Murph – That article rexplains why Trump’s polling lead is deceptive. As these uninformed voters favoring Trump start tuning into the election, Trump can only lose voters and Biden can only gain.

AdLib15 hours ago

Murph – Maybe you’re doing it right but just so you hav it, here’s a halpful article on it:


AdLib15 hours ago

It’s pretty much what we’ve discussed here, the people who are tuned out just don’t know the insanity of the 2024 Trump so they’re open to supporting him. But if the debates happen, I think they’ll be tuned in by then and understand better what a madman he’s become.

AdLib15 hours ago

Ad I believe the resistance we see is how and where people are getting their information from. I believe we’ve all discussed this before. I don’t think people look at multiple sources for information so they can have broader perspective.


15 hours ago

And aside from that, if Trump is convicted in the Bragg case, that will carve away support from low-info voters from Trump and Biden having a far bigger war chest means he will run ads on all kinds of media “educating” the low info voters about who Trump is right now.

AdLib15 hours ago

Ad…I will look at the help article.


15 hours ago

Ad yes I do watch MSNBC for the nightly round up. But also read the Times WaPo Huff, Political WSJ NPR and other sites where I can for free so I have more points of view.


15 hours ago

TW….and Ad….two of the most informed folk I know because they work at it.


15 hours ago

TW – I agree with that but this article in the Times was interestingly saying that is less of a factor with low info voters who are supporting Trump in polling right now, he says it’s more about the lack of info these people are getting and that they’re relying on whatever they see on Social Media, which is your point too. Kind of a combo. But that changes once the race is really on and news and social media will be spreading more and more about Trump and his insanity.

AdLib15 hours ago

Along with Murph, I am impressed with how both of you and our other Vox folks put in the effort to learn about what’s really going on by using a variety of sources. These nuttter MAGA types that are interviewed show off how ignorant a person becomes being in a news bubble with Fix or social media. If truth matters, you have to seek it out.

AdLib15 hours ago

Ad as to social media I agree with you there. But, what I find on Social Media is it seems more of confirmation bias than providing information that allows you to think. Which is why I’m rarely on FB or Twitter and I do use the other tools at all.


15 hours ago

So, what are your latest predictions on whether Trump is convicted for his crimes in the Bragg case?

AdLib15 hours ago

TW – Great point about confirmation bias. Though, social media is a conduit for many MAGAs for all their “opinions” and conspiracy theories.

AdLib15 hours ago

The think that gets me is how rapidly Trump is going over the edge……his rants are more and more bizarre…..his antics in front of crowds that are largely imaginary in their size and enthusiasm, and lives off of the donations of his supporters when he promised he would fund his own efforts……..it is all just so obvious…..but the hive mind cannot challenge its unreality.


15 hours ago

Ad the thing about it, it works both ways those for Trump and those against Trump so we need to do some thinking about the information we’re getting.


15 hours ago

I feel very strongly, as Trump and the GOP are exposing themselves as pro-fascist and crooked (yes Alito, looking at you too and your damn flags), more and more Americans are going to be alienated from them and be motivated to vote Biden and Dem to literally save our democracy and country.

AdLib15 hours ago

Ad….I do hope that you are correct.


15 hours ago

Murph you’re spot on about Trump. I think he is disassembling before our very eyes his rants are getting stranger and stranger.


15 hours ago

Legislation blocking access to contraceptive without a prescription is well on the way here. And, along with it, a bill that reviews the integrity of doctors who write those prescriptions


15 hours ago

This is a photo of Trump’s “huge” rally in the Bronx. He claimed it was 25k people, the whole park only holds like 4,000 so this photo looks like several hundred is all he could scrape up and most were brought in from elsewhere.

AdLib15 hours ago

Murph that is putting the country on a completely wrong path.


15 hours ago

Ad doesn’t look like 25,000 t o me.


15 hours ago

I shared that photo with several who were hailing trumps draw…..and was told the photos were doctored.


15 hours ago

Ad the rap group he brought in or came in was from Fl not NY.


15 hours ago

Trump’s rallies keep shrinking. His call for people to protest outside the NY courthouse in outrage only brought out a dozen on the first day and a couple each day after that. Trump’s popularity is deceptively strong in polling but so week in real life.

AdLib15 hours ago

Murph sadly that is what you and may others are dealing with, they will not accept the fact their supposed hero is flawed.


15 hours ago

TW….were not some of the rappers he has been seen with also accused of various felonies.


15 hours ago

Murph – Of course, any news that’s bad for Trump is fake. Any election he loses is fake. But those same morons instantly grab onto the most phony photos of Trump that show big crowds without question. We know how they operate. They’re all content to cheat on truth.

AdLib15 hours ago

Murph yes. Just as some of the ones that showed up this week in the required blue suit, white shirt and red tie uniform


15 hours ago

Murph – Yep, those rappers didn’t just show up, it was orchestrated and how insulting is it that Trump’s idea of black people are criminal rappers?

AdLib15 hours ago

The whole Trump candidacy is a psy-op. Nothing is true or how it appears. It’s orchestrated and manipulated. So obvious to us and anyone intelligent, he’s pulling a huge con and it stinks to most people but his cultists buy into all of the fraud. This is all Trump knows, cheating and lying and defrauding. So I hope Trump is nailed with a guilty verdict in NY to put an exclamation mark on that.

AdLib15 hours ago

Ok…if he is found guilty in NY what will be the impact of that….he will appeal and that will take us into the election.


15 hours ago

Guys I recommend Jesus and John Wayne How White Evangelical Corrupted A faith and Fractured A Nation by Kisten Kobees and Du Mez it explains quite about about what we are seeing with Trump and his so-called Christian base


15 hours ago

Yeah, Trump’s not a criminal at all, that’s why he’s pushing this now: “Trump Pressures Republicans to Pass a Law to Keep Him Out of Jail Forever The former president is convinced state prosecutors will target him again after a second term, and wants the GOP to solve that problem for him”


AdLib15 hours ago

TW…thanks for the lead


15 hours ago

Trump has introduce the them of “Why not a third term” into his rallies.


15 hours ago

Murph I believe that is some of what you’re dealing with in your state. The evangelical factor. Which is a damn tough nut to crack.


15 hours ago

I know several doctors who are planning to leave lucrative and distinguished practices for the safe haven of a blue state.


15 hours ago

Murph the way he did that was interesting. He posed it as a question and he knows damn well its only two but he gets elected he will for sure suspend the Constitution and declare martial law that will remain in effect forever.


15 hours ago

Murph – You’re right, Trump won’t be sent to prison until after his appeal so it won’t be immediate but the impact of both being declared a convicted criminal AND receiving a concrete sentence will hurt him in two ways. First, even low info voters will learn Trump is a convicted criminal and second, Trump will go even more wildly insane and desperate, knowing that if he loses the election, he will be going to prison (or be locked up in home detention). Those are his biggest fears and if they’re realized, I think we will see a level of madness never seen from him before. Which just may alienate most but the cultists from him.

AdLib15 hours ago

TW – All tyrants are phony about being religious but recognize that capturing extremist religious peope who are accustommed to wanting authoritarianism makes for a solid cult army of believers.

AdLib15 hours ago

Ad….I think that your scenario is plausible….he seems genuinely on the edge go being unhinged.


15 hours ago

Guys do these words sound prophetic If You Can Keep It@!


15 hours ago



15 hours ago

Murph – As to the third term BS, I’ve seen Bannon being so openly threatening about how they will take power and destroy everyone who isn’t with them. These threats, I think, are being made to scare Dems and moderates and intimidate them from opposing them. But it’s a sign of weakness, using threats to scare people into supporting you.

AdLib15 hours ago

Yes, the If You Can Keep was the important part of his statement from my point of view. We have so far, but it’s on shaky ground with the likes of Trump and those who want to replace him who are pretending to be his friends.


15 hours ago

Ad the sooner they throw Bannon in jail the better.


15 hours ago

Ad……those threats also are aimed at media…..but in large part they persevere….I hope we all can.


15 hours ago

Murph – Yep, just as we’ve discussed, many doctors and nurses, especially those in women’s healthcare, will get out of these states criminalizing doctors who try and care for women. Also read a report that confirmed our predictions, medical students are leaving red states after finishing med school to intern in blue states because there’s not a good future for them in ever-criminalizing-healthcare red states.

AdLib15 hours ago

Here is an interesting thought…..there are those who are musing that what is needed is to do to Trump what he says a President should be able to do….take out an opponent…..necessary to be undemocratic to save democracy.


15 hours ago

Individuals like Bannon believe because they are wealthy they are immune for the ravages of any overthrown of the government that they are promoting. He should seriously rethink that. Often fat cats like him are the first to be marched to be marched to the guillotine. G


15 hours ago

Ad….the two med schools of some prominence here are reporting a significant fall off in applications….why? Doctors to be will not get the full training they must have in such a restricted environment.


15 hours ago

Murph who is proposing that?


15 hours ago

TW – Yes, very appropriate. But I think we will keep it. We discussed previously, all polling has overestimated Repubs and underestimated Progressives and Dems. The Dem candidate Alsobrooks was trailing in all of the final polls then walloped Trone by double-digits. I have not hear one single outcome since 2016, where Repub or conservative candidates overperformed. It’s always Dems and with LA just outlawing the abortion pills and more antiu-abortion and anti-contraception actions taken by Repubs, I think women and young voters are going to drown Repubs with their Dem votes in Nov.

AdLib15 hours ago

TW – Bannon should go to prison in a matter of weeks and be there for like four months, possibly through Election Day.

AdLib15 hours ago

TW….I have ex military friends who have suggested that what is good for orangeman is good for the USA….yes, presidents should be able to knock off those they regard as enemies of the state…


15 hours ago

Ad….again I salute your research based optimism.


15 hours ago

Murph – Don’t think I haven’t imagined Trump and other awful Repubs being taken out one way or another but as I think both of you would agree, any violence would only whip up greater violence. Now, having a stroke or heart attack from all those Big Macs and KFC, got no problem with that.

AdLib15 hours ago

TW – Clearly Bannon doesn’t know what happened to the spiteful elitists in the French Revolution.

AdLib15 hours ago

Ad….such a heart attack could be done by choice with the right chemicals.


15 hours ago

Murph you are confirming something I’ve been wondering about for a long time. I hold the belief there are those who are ex military and currently in the military who are willing to engage in the overthrown of the current form of governance. After all we had that in our one and only Civil War.


15 hours ago

TW…and I wonder if there are not such people who are real patriots and are willing to protect democracy in undemocratic ways.


15 hours ago

Murph – This is what we predicted, doctors, nurses, teachers, all the professions that the Repubs have turned against in their culture wars would naturally avoid or escape their states because they know they can pursue their careers in states where they aren’t under constant threat. The brain drain is under way…not that Repubs would notice a draining of brains.

AdLib15 hours ago

Murph KFC and Big Mac’s have the chems you’re talking about. I have to believe Trump’s cholesterol level has to be off the charts, and who know what his A1C level is he could have Type2 diabetes like so many here in the US.


15 hours ago

Murph – I certainly agree, if Trump was openly threatened that if the SCOTUS supported presidential immunity, Biden could take him out the next day, Trump wouldn’t know what to say.

AdLib15 hours ago

Ad…..a state senate committee announced that it intended to subpoena the leadership of several of the big name universities here to challenge their liberal bias. We will see what that brings.


15 hours ago

Ad….wouldn’t that be delicious.


15 hours ago

Murph also it’s evident he is cognitive decline just listen to his speech pattern. On Alex Wanger they had the words of his talking points to the crows and it totally jibberish.


15 hours ago

T W….a new and more noble meaning for a “Big Mac Attack”


15 hours ago



15 hours ago



14 hours ago

Murph – In the crazy malestrom of propaganda, truth, fear, etc., it’s hard to trust your feelings alone about what’s really going on. So basing my views on concrete numbers of actual elections, feels like very solid footing when predicting what the Nov election will bring about. And ALL the election results for the past 8 years show Dems overperform polls and Repubs underperform. Dems have outshone Repubs year after year for nearly a decade and Trump’s cheering for a “unified reich” isn’t going to make it turn around for him.

AdLib14 hours ago

The House took the words down of my Congressional Rep I wrote him a note thanking him for doing what he did.


14 hours ago

Murph – No matter how authentic a heart attack or stroke is if Trump has one, I think we can all predict that MAGAs and Repubs will accuse Biden of secretly poisoning Trump to have it anyway.

AdLib14 hours ago

TW – There are some ex and current military who are part of the Trump cult but the military leadership is not like that and they would marshall the majority of troops to take down any rebel soldiers and any insurgents who threatened the nation.

AdLib14 hours ago

Yes the Magas will, and Bleach Blonde bad built butch body along with grabby Bobert will lead the charge.


14 hours ago

Ad, as always I appreciate your analysis…and cognitively I embrace it, but my gut continues to churn…..it seems to me that the forces of anti-democracy have gathered all of their thunder and lightning in a go for broke grab for power……I think they regard this election as too important to chance on.


14 hours ago

Murph – I also saw that the MO AG has been going into medical records of teens to hunt for any who may want to or have started to transition. Repubs are such liars and project their evil on Dems, how Orwellian will MO be in ten years? And other red states? As I’ve said before, they will become civil rights ghettos that people will flee or avoid.

AdLib14 hours ago

Ad….the MAGAs might squeal if Trump were to keel over (smashing anyone and anything near him) but he would still be out of the way and what could they do


14 hours ago

Ad I’m not as confident in the military leadership as I should be which is why I hold the opinion I do. The military has a way of covering up those they quietly move out and those people have their followers. But, I take your point.


14 hours ago

Murph – Big Mac Attack! Love it!

AdLib14 hours ago

Ad…your assessment of Mo.’s future seems to me to be prophetic.


14 hours ago

Well …gang I need to go…..this has been good. I look forward to Fridays because of you.


14 hours ago

TW – Your Rep merely listed all the crimes Trump is charged with and the rape of E. Jean Carroll he was found to have committed and they’re such snowflakes, they had facts taken down because the facts about Trump showed how awful he is. Pathetic.

AdLib14 hours ago

Murph as always good to see you here.


14 hours ago

Enjoyed our chat, Murph! Have a great weekend!

AdLib14 hours ago

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

AdLib14 hours ago

Ad that is correct all McGovern did was list the crimes.


14 hours ago

Murph enjoy the holiday.


14 hours ago

If it’s one thing Repubs can’t stand hearing, it’s facts.

AdLib14 hours ago

Facts and truth are their double kryptonite


14 hours ago

And just for the record, I think Trump loses by at least 5% to Biden.

AdLib14 hours ago

Facts upset their little deluded fee-fees.

AdLib14 hours ago

Isn’t that what he lost to him by last time?


14 hours ago

Repubs wrap themselves in a blanket of lies and any truths that poke through make them cry hysterically.

AdLib14 hours ago

A very threadbare blanket of lies


14 hours ago

I think it was 3% in 2020. I think Biden’s lead over him will virtually double this year.

AdLib14 hours ago

What we have be on the alert for is the interference that will come from the Russians and Chinese like the did with Hillary.


14 hours ago

I heard something yesterday from one of the talking heads that Trump isn’t listening to the professionals he hired to run his campaign did you hear anything?


14 hours ago

The Russians and Chinese are apparently using a strategy of validating MAGA lies on social media to create a vicious circle to spread the lies and whip them up. But our side will be whipping up our own via Trump and Repubs actual threats to us and the country. We will prevail.

AdLib14 hours ago

Yes, on MSNBC, they were saying if Trump was smart (he isn’t), he’d take direction to talk about the economy, the border, etc. but Trump is obsessed with being a victim and howling about all the conspiracies against him which only loses him more voters.

AdLib14 hours ago

Yes that is what I heard as well. As you’re saying he won’t get off that message regardless of how much they tell him to. I hope he stays with his strategy for me that means he will lose by more than 5 points. Because I think the news of the economy will break through to those who still think it’s in the tank.


14 hours ago

Trump is now so maniacal and dementia-addled, he won’t listen to anybody. That’s why I say, if he’s convicted and sentenced, I think he goes full blown psycho. He is not going to be able to think about anything else through November and will go way off the rails.

AdLib14 hours ago

Let me call you in five minutes.


14 hours ago

I kind of think the people on MSNBC saying that recognize that Trump simply isn’t capable of showing restraint anymore. He would need a diaper for his face as well.

AdLib14 hours ago

Sounds good!

AdLib14 hours ago

You back Murph?

AdLib14 hours ago



14 hours ago

Just caught up on your interchange….good stuff


14 hours ago

Fun to have you pop back!

AdLib14 hours ago

Of course, many outcomes are possible but it seems more likely than not to me that Trump’s dementia can only become more pronounced and his blurting out even more extremist and offensive things can only increase as the race intensifies and his fear of losing and going to prison grows.

AdLib14 hours ago

And as Trump panics, voters will back away from his increasing lunacy. Biden could end up winning by a relative record percentage.

AdLib14 hours ago

Murph – Are you up for a phone chat now with TW and me?

AdLib14 hours ago



14 hours ago

Great! Waiting for TW to call then will call you to add you in.

AdLib14 hours ago

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