It was a dark and stormy night as two gay novelists were driving through Kentucky on their way to New York, to get married...
This past Friday, the United States outdid itself. Reactions varied as Justice Kennedy delivered the finishing touches to the end of civilization.
Scalia explained, “History now poses a threat to the white male conservative Christian’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. That being the case, this court has no other choice but to order history to cease and desist.
If 6 million Americans are thrown off of health insurance and the ACA is crippled, the ripple effect will come crashing down on everyone who has health insurance. And the hand that will be holding the lit match while our health insurance system goes up in flames...will be the Republican Party.
Democrats this election have done a good job attracting a lot of big on the record public donors, but Republicans appear to have the big advantage when it comes to big secret donors. $794 Million for the GOP vs. $463 Million for the Dems. That’s a $331 Million advantage for the GOP.
    Every single Republican Senator voted to allow billionaires to continue buying their votes! "Koch Brothers Win Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a constitutional amendment that would have restored limits on big money in politics and overturned the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens...
SCOTUS' Hobby Lobby decision hurt but there is a far more dangerous threat working its way through the courts that could kill most subsidies.
If one engages with a theocrat and takes the time to debunk enough of their claims, eventually, they will get into ambiguous territory like what was the “Real” intent of the founders.
Speaking of Christian values, whatever happened to bearing false witness? Hobby Lobby set up shop in a state where they'd have to pay for employee healthcare including emergency contraception.
This is as close to a declaration of a Zombie Apocalypse we have gotten from this Supreme Court to date. It is The Night of the Living Religious Corporation...they're alive! And they have more rights than the actual people who work for them! Get the canned food and the shotgun, they're coming to your neighborhood next!


I Believe in God, But I Hate Religion Part 2

The thought of eternal suffering is a significant motivator for those who are strong in their religious beliefs. It is also conducive to those who push various religious doctrines on their congregants to keep them in line.

People Are Stupid

“Democratic republics are more likely to perish through misuse of power than through lack of it.” — Tocqueville Democracy in America . It’s as if Tocqueville looked into the future.