There is no knowing at this point if this phenomena will continue to grow into a full fledged and influential movement of the people, by the people and for the people but at this point, it is an exciting prospect.
Republicans can't even pummel Obama during what's supposed to be his "WORST. MONTH. EVER!!!" so why do polls say many Americans believe he is certain to lose next year when all relevant data point otherwise?
Just like our political parties, each of the GOP candidates should have their own animal mascots to provide a simple and expressive symbol of their character and candidacy. Here are some suggestions...
On the Debt Ceiling deal, the word was that Obama "caved". Did he? The evidence indicates otherwise.
Toby Keith, Democrat, says:-
I don’t know, but I expect the wealthy to write a check ’cause it’s as bad as it’s ever been. It would be...
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
~Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln's words...
In their Class War against Americans, what the wealthy fail to understand is blowback. Once a democracy no longer serve its people, they stop looking to elections to solve their problems and take their destiny (and pitchforks and torches) into their own hands.
Once Americans realize why the rich keep getting richer while they seem stuck in Po'-Town-USA, they may very well redirect their anger in a way that Tea Party, Inc. fears the most.
Please sign and circulate this petition that asks the Department of Justice to aggressively investigate and fight voter laws that suppress the Constitutional right of Americans to vote.
Last week, I was here in Las Vegas to celebrate the end of DADT. Once (and hopefully future) Congresswoman Dina Titus discussed what happened...