Let's just let these facts speak for themselves... more to come.
First, a few gems from the man who wants access to "the button";
“I have...
Would you rather be pushed off into the sea on an ice floe or hit by a train? This is not so much a literal choice of ways to die as it is a figurative choice for voters in electing either Mitt Romney or Rick Perry.
I was born a Democrat. My parents were Democrats before me. My father cast his first vote at 21 in 1936, for FDR. Four...
According to Rick Perry, Social Security and Medicare are unconstitutional, the Earth is 6,000 years old, women were created from Adams rib, the Statue of Liberty is a demonic idol and the Constitution says that this is a "Christian Nation".
Anyone who is looking forward to the time when major corporations will start hiring Americans for good paying jobs again in big numbers, are among those who don't know what the "new normal" is for corporations.
There's been a campaign going on around the blogosphere for awhile, advocating that MSNBC ban Pat Buchanan from appearing on the network. Buchanan is...
Remember that Monty Python skit where the Texas movie producer gets a bunch of screenwriters in a room and badgers them all until they...
How did the Debt get so big? How did it become so famous? And what are its future plans? I sat down with the National Debt last week to see if I could find some answers.
It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong.
~Thomas Jefferson
So here we are,...
Help end the debt ceiling crisis by suggesting to John Boehner, a more effective and appropriate movie clip to play in his next meetings with Republicans to bring them on board.