Democrats need to stop running against Trump, and instead run against Trump AND the Republican Party as well as Republican voters. That will sound harsh to most Democrats, but Trump is not the problem, merely a symptom of the problem.
This wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back, it was a two ton girder of betrayal and abuse of power that squashed the camel flat. The American people, were so outraged that Trump's continued freedom to destroy our democracy unfettered and the status quo that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tried to sustain to avoid impeachment, were no longer acceptable.
I took formal civics instruction in 7th Grade and as a Junior in High School in preparation for a graduation requirement: the Citizens' Civic...
The lesson from 2016 should be, nominate someone who is inspiring to voters and brings with them too little baggage to be buried under. The media types who are Republicans and lean to the center/right or right, are more preoccupied with filling the Dem nomination slot with someone reflecting their more conservative, establishment sensibilities. That is very different from picking the candidate most likely to beat Trump and best bring change to the country.
Finally! After a two month break from debates, the top ten candidates for president in the Democratic Party gather in Houston to debate.
And all...
Those who voted for Trump might recall that Hillary promised people in Kentucky that she would put coal miners out of business, AND replace it with green jobs. Kentuckians were offended by Hillary’s vision of a new economy for Kentucky. I wonder how that is working out for Mitch McConnell’s and Donald Trump’s supporters in Kentucky?
Nominating and electing a 77 year old man who will be 81 years old when it's time for re-election is not long term thinking. In 2024, Republicans will have the anti-incumbent momentum and likely, a younger and more energetic candidate. As bad as things are now, they could be even worse under a Repub (Don Jr. or Ivanka?) in 2025.
oe and Mika are promoting Joe Biden’s campaign promise to support the ACA/Obamacare, rather than scrapping it and starting over. Comparatively, they support Biden’s claim, which is also echoed by Republicans, that Medicare-For-All or a universal single payer health insurance system would take away choices Americans now have for their healthcare. That is Joe’s and Mika’s opinions, but it is not factual.
Are the Moderate Democrats unaware that by being focused on praising and pandering to the "white working class"/"good people on both sides" crowd, they are insulting, taking for granted and alienating the very Democratic voters who are younger and African American that they need to actually win?
If Congress can't and doesn't, impeach Trump now then how logical or reasonable is it to think that a lesser court can try and punish him? And when is that likely to happen?